The Hong Kong economy has developed weak in recent years, and the residential market price has fallen sharply by nearly 30 % compared with historical highs.The multinational real estate service and investment management company Zhong Liangliang All Louga joint warning on Wednesday (July 10) warned that property prices in Hong Kong may fall by 10%in the second half of the year, and negative assets will exceed 100,000 again.

The latest inflation figures in the United States have not yet fallen to 2%, and the Federal Reserve has reduced interest rates or variables. The market expects that the interest rate is still high this year, and it will continue to affect the Hong Kong property market atmosphere.Among them, the Central Plains City Leading Index (CCL), which reflects the trend of second -hand property prices in Hong Kong, fell to 141.81 on July 5, a new low of seven years and a half.Hong Kong's property prices fell by about 3.7%in the first half of the year, about 26%from the historical high in 2021.

With the continuous decline in property prices, Hong Kong's negative property situation has continued to intensify.According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Financial Authority, in the first quarter of this year, Hong Kong's residential mortgage had more than 30,000 asset cases, an increase of 27.5%year -on -year, and rose to the most since the first quarter of 2004.

negative assets refers to "incompetence of debt", that is, the property price of property prices is not enough to repay the amount of loan loans that owned the owner.In 2003, Hong Kong's negative asset cases were as high as more than 100,000. Many owners were unbearable for liabilities, and light cases such as jumping and carbon burning were constantly.At that time, there were also owners of negative property to march collectively on the street, asking the Hong Kong government to "rescue".

Johor Luggling Wednesday reviewed the Hong Kong real estate market in the first half of this year and the trend in the second half of the year. It is pointed out that considering that the interest port is likely to maintain a high level, it is expected that the price of small and medium -sized houses in Hong Kong in the second half of this year will fall by about 10%.It fell by 5%to 10%due to the increase in new supply.

Zeng Huanping, chairman of Hong Kong, pointed out that according to the data, the number of negative assets in Hong Kong has soared from 400%to 320,000 as of the 12 months of the end of March this year.It will increase 5,000 calculations. If the property prices in Hong Kong fell by 10%in the second half of the year, the number of negative assets will exceed 100,000.

The prediction of the Zhongliang Federation has aroused heated discussion in the city.Liang Zhijian, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce, responded on Thursday (July 11) that the trend of property prices is difficult to predict, and everyone has different opinions, but he is optimistic about the future property market.

He said that the Hong Kong Government is attracting specialties to invest in Hong Kong and foreign investment to invest in Hong Kong. It has gradually achieved results. It will drive the demand for the property market. I believe that Hong Kong property prices will rise slowly. At the end of the yearIt will not rise rapidly.

Shao Zhiyao, a senior investor in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Hong Kong's property prices continued to soar after the financial tsunami in 2008, and the Hong Kong government launched a number of measures to suppress the property market.In the past few years, Hong Kong's property prices have turned back, and the official budget of the new year's fiscal budget announced by the official announced at the end of February this year announced the cancellation of all restrictions. Hong Kong property market once appeared in Xiaoyangchun after "withdraw" , property pricesBoth the volume of transactions increased, but soon there was no one.The latest property prices have fallen to the level before "withdrawal", and it will still fall again in the short term.

Shao Zhiyao pointed out that if the property prices in Hong Kong have fallen by 10 % in the second half of this year, it means that he will return to the level 10 years ago. "The owners who bought the property in the past 10 years have lost money. This is a big problem.More and more negative assets, Hong Kong's economy will not be good. "

Shao Zhiyao believes that "withdrawal" is just a penalty measure to cancel the property. In order to encourage the citizens to buy a building, the Hong Kong government should provide more sweets. In addition to expanding the investment scope of the investment immigration plan to the residential property, you can also consider studying for more than 20 years for more than 20 years.The previous approach borrowed money to the public.