Prince Dubai Ali Ali's family office signboard in Hong Kong has disappeared.

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported that the reporter of the newspaper went to the family office of Shanghuan District on Tuesday (May 28) and found that the NO Longer on Display had been disappeared on the wall of the reception.

This signature has been hung on the reception wall from March and wrote the name of Sheikh Ali Al Maktoum.Nanhua Morning Post reported that this sign can be seen on the 21st.

Reported that Marsco Carenzi, a ritual and safety management person in charge of Alibaba's office, thanked the reporter to inform and said, "I am happy to report the latest situation"., But did not provide information about the status of the Hong Kong office.

Eleanor Jane Mak, CEO of the Hong Kong Family Office, said it was unsatisfactory.Karenzi said earlier that Mai Yirui had no right to speak on behalf of Ali.

Alibabara will open a family office in Hong Kong on March 28 to manage its 500 million US dollars (S $ 674 million) assets, but the night before the opening, it was suddenly announced that it returned to China for emergency affairs.Extension activities have triggered various speculations.

Ali's office announced that the opening ceremony will be held at the end of May.Hong Kong media also found that Ali was a singer in the Philippines.