The National Security Office of the Hong Kong Police Department for the first time quoted 23 Basic Law and arrested six people, saying that they used a "sensitive day" to use a certain "sensitive day" to continue to post post with incitement diagrams on the social platform page.Tang Jiazheng, a member of the Hong Kong Executive Council and a senior barrister, said that the person involved in the case must be guilty with the objective effect of hate and the subjective intention of incitement without reasonable doubts, and emphasized that the relevant threshold is quite high.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Commercial Radio reported that Tang Jiazheng pointed out that although many people discussed around the social platform pages involved in the case, they believed that if the content of the post only reviewed the past, there was no incitement diagram, so they could not be unable to make a diagram.It constituted a crime; however, he did not rule out that there was still no evidence that he was not disclosed, so he should not speculate too much.

Tang Jiazheng further said that although the past remarks involved in the case may not be evidence, it can affect the judge's judgment whether there is a criminal intention.

As for whether there will be a chance to commit the law in the post message, Tang Jiazhen said that the law clearly states that the Hong Kong citizens must hate the SAR government or the central government.And effect.He said that if it is only a "gossip talk", there may not be big problems.

Tang Jiazheng also said that after 2019, there are very a lot of people who continue to find the gray area to cover up the reason for concealing and do some "middle fall ink", which is illusory.EssenceHe called on the outside world to not be affected by their behavior, and emphasized that people with a positive and bright light of generals do not need to consider related issues at all.

According to Ming Pao and the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the Guoan Department of the Hong Kong Police Department of the National Security Department arrested five women and one man in many districts in Hong Kong.By the age of 65, Zou Xingtong, the former vice chairman of the Hong Kong Branch Federation of Hong Kong, who is still undergoing.

Police pointed out that the arrested person was suspected of violating the "related crimes of incitement diagrams" under Article 24 of the Basic Law, commonly known as the basic law of the Basic Law.The other five people have been on a social platform page in April this year on an anonymous manner, using "a sensitive day that is coming" to continue to publish posts with incitement diagrams, intending to incite netizens to organize or participate in illegal periods during the later period.Activity.

The Page of Facebook social platforms involved in the case is "Xiaotongqun Dumping", which is related to Zou Xingtong.