It is affected by China's real estate industry, and JD Group's spin -off subsidiaries "Jingdong Industry Development" has been temporarily temporarily passed down in Hong Kong.Promoting.

The production of was established in 2012. It is a modern infrastructure development and management platform, mainly including logistics parks, industrial parks and others.JD Industry was established in 2019 to provide industrial supply chain technology and service providers.

The Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily reported on Thursday (May 30) that sources close to revealed that at present, the real estate industry in mainland China is downturn.Suitable for preparation for listing.As for the listing procedures of JD Industry, it is still being promoted. If the time is suitable, it will be listed in Hong Kong.

According to the latest public documents on the website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, ’s production development is no longer on the list of overseas listing.

China Securities Regulatory Supervisors received the first batch of companies in JD Industry and on April 7 and April 20 last year, respectively, and JD Industry.However, as of last Thursday (23rd), the record status of JD Industry was still in the "supplementary material" stage;'s production was no longer on the relevant list.

In fact, and JD Industry submitted a preliminary listing application document at the end of March last year. However, after the document "fails", the update listing documents have not been submitted so far.Last year, the two companies rumored that two companies planned to raise $ 1 billion (about S $ 1.3 billion) respectively.

Under a high -interest environment, it is difficult to advance the first public offering (IPO) project for the first time.And temporarily slow boxing plan.