Friends A engaged in public relations work in Hong Kong, which mainly helps customers plan and organize offline activities of large and small. During the past three years, they have basically do nothing, and their income is zero.Seeing him at the beginning of the month, he asked him if the business after the epidemic returned to normal.

Friends see me unbelievable, explaining that after Lugang resumed customs clearance, it did have more mainland Chinese companies to come to Hong Kong to hold activities.However, in recent years, the economic downturn in mainland China, coupled with the increasing convenience of transportation and information exchanges between the two places. Many mainland companies simply find the venue for the event in order to save money, and finally find some trivial affairs of the Hong Kong public relations company to follow up the scene.Hong Kong companies, which have always been responsible for the planning of the entire event, can no longer make too much money like before.

Friends said that he used to find Hong Kong photographers to provide on -site shooting services; now many mainland customers like to directly find Guangdong photographers to shoot on the scene of Hong Kong activities as a tourist, and return only hundreds of Hong Kong dollars at a time, which is better than Hong Kong.The photographer saves many times more than two or three thousand Hong Kong dollars a day.This disguised approach to hire "black workers" has complained about local photographers in Hong Kong and complained that they have been robbed of work.

Hong Kong earlier After the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, a series of stiff China Central Government soon introduced a series of stiffings.Hong Kong policy, in the future, Hong Kong will focus on economy and people's livelihood.But saying that it is easy to work, Hong Kong is currently facing many governance problems.

For example, in the past few years, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people have moved to overseas, which has led to human wasteland in Hong Kong.In addition to severe personnel shortages such as doctors, civil servants, etc., there are no one to do grass -roots positions such as dishes, cleaning, and construction.In view of this, the Hong Kong Government has launched a number of policies to supplement foreign manpower.

In terms of high -paying positions, the Hong Kong Government launched the "High -end Talent Permit Plan" at the end of 2022, hoping to absorb talents with high income, high education, and rich work experience to develop in Hong Kong. As of February this year, approximately 44,000 people arrived in Hong Kong as of February this year.

"Gao Cai Tong" has injected a lot of new blood into the Hong Kong labor market in a short period of time, and it also derives many problems.Some Hong Kong media have disclosed that Hong Kong's current high -paying positions are limited, and there are not many posts that can match these foreigners such as "Gao Cai Tong".The circle of life in the mainland can make money in Hong Kong.The local union has complained about this, thinking that the original intention of attracting "high talents" to come to Hong Kong is to fill the vacancies of high -end positions. Now it is like entering foreign workers for the insurance industry.

In terms of low salary positions, the Hong Kong Government launched multiple industry plans to enter foreign workers last year, and "optimized" the original labor plan to relax the regulations of some types of workers input foreign workers.Since the implementation of these plans, at least 18,000 foreign workers have been approved.However, the input of a large number of foreign workers in one year also impacted the local labor market.

Taking the construction industry as an example, three rounds of applications have been accepted so far, and a total of 7,107 foreign workers have been approved, of which 712 iron workers account for 712.In April, the Hong Kong Construction Industry Federation of Trade Unions conducted a questionnaire survey with the local tie -iron workers, and found that more than 70 % of the respondents did not start or lack of work. Among them, 30 % of the respondents said that they started only one day to three days a week and the salary was reduced.The Trade Union believed that the Hong Kong Government implemented this policy due to the lack of people in the industry at that time, but later the economy was weak and the private site projects decreased. As a result, local workers and entered workers were "competing for rice bowls".

also has airport warehouses and cargo station waiters reported that in the past, they rely on overtime to increase income; but since entering foreign workers, overtime has decreased, and the income has decreased. The situation is worrying.

Even more, according to the input foreign workers plan, the salary of foreign workers should not be too low. It should be similar to the median of Hong Kong's salary. In order to earn higher profits, some employers hire illegal workers in risk.

The Hong Kong Immigration Department arrested five mainland "black workers" suspected of being engaged in decoration in Futai Village, Tai Po. They were accused of coming to Hong Kong as a passenger and charging a daily salary of 200 to 350 yuan.It is understood that the house village has always had mainland black workers who came to "eat" (work), and the price was cheap, which greatly affected the local master business.

In February this year, the Hong Kong Immigration Department also detected a black worker case in the intermediary company. A total of 24 dishwashed black workers were arrested in seven restaurants. The 61 -year -old company leader was sentenced to 19 months in prison.The heaviest case of "external judgment".

High -paid Hong Kong has always been a migrant paradise for mainland residents. The problem of black workers has long plagued Hong Kong society.According to the regulations of immigration, if employers are hired by illegal workers, they can be fined up to HK $ 500,000 (S $ 86,400) and imprisonment for 10 years.The latest season of Hong Kong's unemployment rate is 3.0%, which is almost employment in the whole people.In the face of all walks of life, there are many troublesome and handling. Recently, the problem of "black workers" is more serious than before.The Hong Kong Immigration Department conducted a total of 17248 banning illegal workers last year, arrested nearly 3,000 illegal workers and more than 500 local employers.

After being vigorously rectified by Beijing, the situation in Hong Kong has gradually stabilized in the past few years, but to achieve "governing and prosperity" and developing a good economy, official efforts are still required.Today, on the one hand, the labor market needs to be disassembled to attract talents to Hong Kong to fill the gap in high -end people. On the other hand, we must carefully protect the employment opportunities of local workers.How to balance the two in the Hong Kong government.