The news that has been making up in Hong Kong's society recently is neither a British Hong Kong -people spy case, nor is the Hong Kong government pushing the event, but the story of a 30 -year -old woman named He and a young woman.From half a month ago, the entire Hong Kong network was screened by this.

He Bohe's story is this: 76 -year -old Hong Kong He Bo and a 40 -year -old Chinese woman in love at first sight.After a few months of understanding, the two quickly developed into intimate relationships and flashed marriage in less than a month.He Bo was extremely generous about He too, and he gave generously with a generously sending a diamond ring worth HK $ 130,000 (about S $ 2,2500) and a watch of HK $ 100,000.

As a wedding gift, He Bo also planned to take out HK $ 1 million for He Tai to do business.But this move caused alertness of five children, and family relations became nervous.He Bo's 4.5 million Hong Kong dollars in the bank account were also taken away by his daughter.

In early May, He Bo and He Tai took the initiative to find the radio variety show to look around, and sued her daughter to take away all her savings.After the report came out, it suddenly aroused heated discussion in the city.Unexpectedly, the netizens almost supported their children, criticizing He Bo seemed to have drank the soul soup and entered the flowers.

A good thing is a netizen to set up a group "He Bo & He Bo's Following Group" on Facebook to conduct public trials on the two to discuss and study the details of the incident.Some netizens from the perspective of He Tai's clothing, analyzing how much the accessories he worn by He Tai; some netizens who claim to be a person familiar with the matter broke the news that He Tai was a criminal, and the dedicated "soul soup" attracted single men to fish.The group states that He is married for the third time.

He Bo and He Tai became a hot topic after dinner after the meal. They also attracted the attention of netizens. From time to time, some netizens released the latest photos of He Bo He Tai's every day."He Bo & He Bo's Wife Following Group" has more than 100,000 members so far.

When everyone was too defeated, and even when He Taibei went to avoid the trend, she and He Bo recently appeared again to look at the love.In the face of external doubts, he was too good to say that those famous brand bags were actually A goods, and emphasized that she would accompany He Bo, no matter whether he had money, no money, or even willing to return to the mainland to set up fried steaks.

Recently, He Taiyi announced that he would live broadcast on Douyin with He Bo on May 29th, making the word "He Bo He Tai" once again become a hot search.It is not difficult to imagine that when He Bo and He Tai do live broadcast, they will set off a wave of viewing.

Some shifts have recently appeared in Hong Kong public opinion. Some netizens have begun to sympathize with. Although her performance in TV shows is slightly exaggerated, everyone has a different personality. Outsiders cannot use a fixed frame to review others.; And emotional patents are not age, nor is it a patent of a certain age layer.

With the continuous fermentation of He Bohe's incident, the earliest reports of the incident have become a big winner.Some wireless management revealed that after the "He Bo Incident" program was out of the street, YouTube alone watched Dongzhang Wangwang's video more than 1 million.Outside of TV, "He Bo" has also become online media traffic passwords. Follow -up reports of large and small can drive the click -through rate to rise.

"Young Wife Fortune to Marry Old Husband" is a common plot in Hong Kong TV series, but it is rare in real life.He Bo He was too forgetful and derived his family disputes, which caused major media to report to report that the two became the most well -known public figures in Hong Kong in the near future.Having said that, it is difficult for the Qing officials to break their housework. Whoever is in the incident is difficult to judge, and outsiders are not too involved in evaluation, otherwise they will only put greater pressure on the parties.

However, the incident also began to let Hong Kong people reflect on a common phenomenon in society: who who is an elderly parent encounters a widowed or divorced, who will take care of their emotional needs?The elderly also need emotional sustenance, hoping to get care by establishing intimate relationships with others. In this case, how can they communicate better with their children?