The loss of talents in Hong Kong and the surge in new businesses from mainland China, Hong Kong's banks and insurance companies are launching a war -to -people war to promote the increase in salary of new recruitment employees up to 30%.

According to Bloomberg News on Wednesday (July 19), although the investment banks have layoffs in the dilemma of Chinese business, the investment banks have layoffs, but insurance, bank branches, background and financial management and other areas are hot.According to the French Foreign Trade Bank (Natixis SA) estimates, there are about 4,000 vacancies in these industries.

However, under the impact of the tightening of the crown disease and the political environment, thousands of Hong Kong residents have left Hong Kong within the past two years, resulting in the loss of talents in the financial industry and difficult to recruit new employees.

Olga Yung, the managing director of the recruitment company Michael Page, said that there is a shortage of manpower in the Hong Kong banking industry in almost every field.

In addition, after Hong Kong and mainland China resumed customs clearance, mainland Chinese customers returned to Hong Kong to open their accounts to buy wealth management and insurance.Banks such as HSBC and Bank of East Asia have extended their business hours, and some branches even opened for seven days a week.

The business from mainland China has increased, but Hong Kong's financial industry talents are insufficient. The salary level of professionals in the finance and technology industry has also risen.A survey carried out in February and March, a consulting company headquartered in Ireland, in February and March of this year, shows that the average salary of Hong Kong's financial services industry has increased by 4.8%this year, which is the industry with the largest increase in all

In addition, employees who change jobs often get a larger salary increase.Recruitment company Michael Page said that the applicants who hopped for jobs could require 20 to 30%of salary increases, while the past salary increase was about 10%to 15%.

"Whether it is the front desk, the middle stage or the backstage, we are missing everywhere," Stephen Chan, the acting chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Hong Kong, said at the event in June.