A nurse in Nantong, Jiangsu, China, was sentenced to one and a half years in prison for purchasing nine -valent HPV vaccines from Hong Kong and other places and in injection of private injections.In the same, about 150,000 yuan).

According to the Legal Daily Daily (July 16), the nurse named Jin was working in a hospital in Nantong, Jiangsu. When he accidentally received the order in WeChat group, he found that the customer was injected privately.Nine -valent HPV vaccine purchased.It is reported that the nurse knows that the supply of the Nine -Valental HPV vaccine is very tight, and the state management is strict. The vaccine brought by customers must have a problem.

However, under the drive of interests, the nurse not only did not discourage customers, but intends to use the upstream merchants to take the goods and sell it, and earn the difference.To this end, the nurse added a WeChat called "Hong Kong Medical Consultation". Through the upstream merchant named "Sister Shen", it illegally imported the nine -valent HPV vaccine from Hong Kong to the mainland for sale.

After investigation, from the March to February 2022, the nurse knew that the nine -valent HPV vaccine it sold was an injection drug imported from the approval document of the drug.The nine -valent HPV vaccine was purchased, and 60 of them (one set of three stitches) plus two -pin nine -valent HPV vaccine sold to many people in Nantong and other places, with a total sales of more than 400,000 yuan, and helping some customers to inject the above vaccines.

After the police arrested the nurse in February 2022, the four boxes of nine -valent HPV vaccine were seized in their homes and cars, and several nine -valent HPV vaccines were seized.After the incident, foreign manufacturers involved in the case were commissioned by the judicial organs to compare and confirmed that the vaccine was from Hong Kong, but did not obtain legal signing procedures on the mainland.

The procuratorial organs found that the batch nine -valent HPV vaccine involved in the case has not obtained the biological product approval certificate of the State Council's drug supervision and management department.Statistically, there are great quality and safety risks, and the drug involved is sufficient to seriously endanger human health.The local procuratorate filed a public prosecution on the nurse in March this year for suspected drug management.