The official event of the Hong Kong Government celebrated the 26th anniversary of returning to China. Soon after the official activity of returning to China, the Police State Security Office immediately took action last week and wanted eight overseas democrats;Five local men.Police's actions against overseas Hong Kong people have caused huge response in Hong Kong and even the international community.

In today's globalized society, whether the wanted by -regional wanted to be done is to a large extent on whether the international community cooperates.The greater the international criminal police organization and its member states, the higher the probability of successful arrests.Judging from the information published by the Hong Kong police, eight wanted suspects had absconded overseas before and after the effectiveness of the National Security Law of Hong Kong.As European and American countries have clearly opposed the wanted order from the Hong Kong police, it is basically impossible for the Hong Kong Government to take eight people from these countries to return to Hong Kong.In fact, as soon as the Hong Kong Government's wanted announcement was made, it reminded eight overseas Hong Kong people not to go to the place where there was an extradition agreement with Hong Kong in the future, and also reminded the eight European and American countries to increase their vigilance and strengthen their personal safety.A paper wanted order, disguised that eight Hong Kong people are safer overseas.This also brought out a question worth pondering: the Hong Kong Government knows that the eight -person government where the eight people are wanted will be sheltered. As long as eight people do not return to Hong Kong, the Hong Kong police can hardly arrest them and send them to court for trial.So why is the official issuing a wanted order?Obviously, the Hong Kong Government intends to release three political signals through the wanted order.First, warn Hong Kong politicians who are active overseas.In the past three years, some democratic politicians who have escaped Hong Kong thought that they could not be subject to the laws of Hong Kong overseas. They often held anti -Chinese political activities in various forms such as symposiums and exhibitions, and even promoted European and American countries to sanction China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions.The Hong Kong Government issued a wanted order this time, clearly showing that the Hong Kong National Security Law has exceptions.No matter where these people escape, as long as they violate the National Security Law, they will be wanted for life.Not only that, the wanted order also has the effect of "killing chickens and monkeys".Many democratic supporters overseas often have a fluke, thinking that it is not a big deal to participate in some political activities against Hong Kong abroad, and they can return to Hong Kong in the future.However, this wanted order shows that as long as there are activities to participate in the anti -China -China chaos, even if the role of participation is not large, it may violate the Hong Kong National Security Law and be punished accordingly.Second, send a signal to the police to implement the Hong Kong National Security Law seriously to Hong Kong people.After the Hong Kong Government's wanted order was announced, the Hong Kong people had a more thorough awareness of the Hong Kong National Security Law. In the future, they will pay more attention and be careful of various activities suspected of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law.This will be conducive to the establishment of a more solid barrier to maintain national security in the society.It is worth noting that many of the active people who fled overseas still have family and friends in Hong Kong.The official issuing order will also have a certain deterrent effect on them.In order not to burn in the fire, most people did not dare to act lightly in the future. They were equivalent to cutting off the interaction between overseas democratic Hong Kong people and Hong Kong supporters.Overseas "Anti -China Ranang" forces in Hong Kong's activity space and mobilization capabilities will be greatly narrowed.Third, to issue the international community at the expense, and we must also firmly defend the will and determination of national security.Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law three years, although it has played a role in stabilizing Hong Kong society, it has also caused criticism in Western countries that it has weakened Hong Kong's freedom.The Hong Kong Government issued a wanted order this time, which once again explicitly stated that the official will not be disturbed and threatened by any external forces, and will not be afraid of any difficulties, and will continue to fulfill the responsibilities of maintaining national security.Judging from the external response in the past week, the Police State Security Department initially achieved a certain effect after issuing a wanted order.The eight men's mouth said "not afraid", but in fact, no one has dared to appear publicly so far.The number of "likes" on the social web pages "like" the number of posts on social web pages has also decreased significantly.It can be said that a global wanted order in a paper hit the "dead acupoint" of overseas anti -China -Hong Kong people.But it cannot be denied that the Hong Kong police hanging red and wanted eight overseas Hong Kong people also brought some negative results.The first is to accelerate the pace of the wanted person to the Western camp.The Hong Kong Government announced that the world wanted them. They did not turn back, and they had no worries. They could move forward and collude with the anti -China forces in Europe and the United States to fight against China.Second, the relationship between Hong Kong and the West will not show signs of improvement in the short term.This time, the Hong Kong Government has issued a reward order to overseas democrats based on the Hong Kong National Security Law. In the past few days, international public opinion has been triggered. The U.S. British government has strongly condemned, which has caused Hong Kong to be greater isolation in Europe and the United States.Earlier, more than 50 individual organizations around the world issued an open letter to the US government, asking the Bayeng government to clearly stated that the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao's meeting was not allowed to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) meeting.The high -profile wanted by the Hong Kong Police, which means that Li Jiachao's chances of entering the United States to participate in APEC have been minimal.In any case, from the perspective of Hong Kong and Beijing's official perspective, the global wanted order is the best choice made after weighing the advantages of various measures.The wanted order is the least or the minimum hazard is caused by the fact that the wanted and other measures include no action.Of course, whether the development of the situation is as expected by the Hong Kong government, it is necessary to wait for the time to verify.