(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said at the 26th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong that Hong Kong has "moved forward at full speed" on the Changchang Expressway, but Hong Kong also lurks the destructive force of "soft confrontation" at the same time. VolkswagenStill be vigilant.

According to the website of the Hong Kong Chief Executive Office, for the first time, the Li Jiachao Li Jiachao, who celebrated the return of the anniversary of the return anniversary as the Chief Exhibition Center, said in his speech on Saturday (July 1) that in the past year, the Hong Kong government led Hong Kong to get out of the haze of the epidemic.It is fully in line with the world and “advanced at full speed” on the common fast lane. It is expected that Hong Kong ’s GDP this year (GDP) will increase by about 3.5% to about 5.5%.

He said that although Hong Kong is "generally stable as a whole", there is still a state misjudgment of China's peaceful development. It is deliberately targeted. Inside Hong Kong, the destructive power of soft confrontation must be increasing.Implement the "one country, two systems" policy.

Before the reception, the Hong Kong Government held the flag -raising ceremony in the morning of the Golden Bauhinia Plaza of Wan Chai. Zheng Yanxiong, director of the China United Nations Office, Li Jiangzhou, deputy head of the Central State Security Office, Liu GuangyuanAll attended the ceremony. Except for the first Chief Executive Dong Jianhua's suspect that he had not appeared due to health reasons, he was also present.

The flag -raising ceremony and the venue of the celebration club are not provided with a public viewing area, and the peripherals have deployed a large number of police forces from Friday (June 30).Police officers were patrolled and stationed in the pedestrian flyover, harbor roads, etc. near the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Center.According to the Ming Pao, in Victoria, Queen and Causeway Bay, there are also anti -terrorism special teams, mobile uniforms, military uniforms and plainclothes police officers, to intercept reporters and citizens.Agence France -Presse reported that the police have deployed more than 6,000 police forces everywhere to ensure order.

Causeway Bay and Victoria have been the starting point of the "July 1st parade" in the past many years. However, the Hong Kong police said that this year did not receive an application for public parade on Saturday.Five activists told AFP that they have been "reminded" and do not hold protests on the commemorative day or ever.

Democratic organizations represented by the "Folk Human Rights Front" have launched the July 1 parade since 2003. There are hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong citizens on the street in the peak year to express their demands.After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020, the democratic groups have disintegrated, and the Democratic Command was dissolved in August 2021.On July 1st last year, under the National Security Law and epidemic prevention restrictions, coupled with China's official visit to Hong Kong, there was no large -scale parade in Hong Kong.

Ming Pao said that the scene of Causeway Bay on Saturday was calm, and a man wearing a yellow mask with the word "Jiu Chuan" appeared, that is, a police officer came forward to investigate, but the man said that he was not afraid and said today he was not afraid and said that he was not afraid and said today.The meaning of coming out is "don't be taken away", "at least maintaining a little fire, how much can you do."

While maintaining security for security, Hong Kong officials and all walks of life have also launched a series of "sugar" measures to create a festive atmosphere of return to the commemorative day, including 1400 restaurants to provide discounts, more than ten museums are open for free, take Hong Kong trams and ""Tiantian small round "rotation free and so on.Many Hong Kong officials have also shared the experience of punch -in discount restaurants and free attractions on social media.According to reports, there are rows from Hong Kong M+Museum. As of noon, more than 5,800 people have entered the venue, of which there are many tourists in mainland China.

A mainland tourist told AFP that Hong Kong "is full of people everywhere and has a festive atmosphere." She believes that Hong Kong is in a rising period, and it still exists as a shopping and cultural center.