The National Security Office of the Hong Kong Police Department arrested a 63 -year -old man on Monday (June 26), who was suspected of promoting the idea of Hong Kong's independence and insulting the Chinese flag of the Chinese flag.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government issued a newsletter on Monday afternoon saying that the National Security of Hong Kong was adopted in Tsim Sha Tsui District on the afternoon of June 26 to arrest a 63 -year -old man.The National Security Department pointed out that the arrested man was suspected of violating the crime of "the actions of incitement" in Article 9 and 10 of the Criminal Criminal Criminal Regulations of the Criminal Criminal Criminal Criminal Crime.

The Hong Kong police survey showed that the arrested man was suspected of spreading information with incite intent many times through social platforms, including overthrowing the Beijing Central Regime and inciting others to cause hatred for the Central and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and promoting "Taiwan independence""Hong Kong Independence" and insulting national flags and national anthems.The arrested man is currently being detained for investigation.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, the arrested surname Jiang, named Danny, is the founder of the Wing Chun Pavilion.In addition to spreading "Taiwan independence" and "Hong Kong independence" information information, the arrested man also included the content of the flag of the national flag, the post of slander the national flag, and the repeated reproduction of the 2019 Hong Kong anti -repair example.It is called "the future national anthem".

The Hong Kong police searched for the residence and office of the man arrested man according to the court's order, and seized the electronic communication tools that were used as an electronic communication tool for spreading the information.

The nearby tenants of the Wing Chun Pavilion said that the boxing hall opened here for at least six or seven years, and there are many students. According to them, the man named Jiang is friendly and has never heard him talk about political topics. Sometimes he drinks with the neighborhood., Don't think he is extreme.