Hong Kong children's myopia is becoming more and more common. The latest survey shows that 20%of primary school students have reached 275 degrees for the first time.

According to the China News Agency and Hong Kong 01 reports, the Hong Kong Practicing Ophthalmology Optical Agent Association pointed out on Sunday (June 25) that 48%of elementary school students found myopia when they first verified their eyes, an average of 165 degrees, and 20 more than 20%Of primary school students have 275 degrees or more.

The Association invited 293 primary school students and parents to participate in the investigation from March to April this year, so as to calculate that nearly 60,000 people in Hong Kong primary school students will suffer from deep myopia of 600 degrees or more after 10 years.There may be the risk of nearly 2,000 retinums.

The survey shows that 84%of myopia children's father or mother has myopia.The average daily use of electronic products for school children is 4.4 hours, and the outdoor activity time is only 45 minutes per day. It is also one of the reasons for deepening children's myopia.

The association pointed out that parents pay less attention to their children's myopia. Therefore, they call on parents to take their children to undergo comprehensive ophthalmological optical examinations each year.

Guo Weihua, the president of the Hong Kong Practicing Ophthalmology Optical Division Association, suggested that the government can learn from Singapore to provide personalized myopia control services for students with myopia rapidly.Activity.