On December 29, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the China National People's Congress dismissed the qualifications of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress, which means that these nine generals would be "accidents", otherwise they would not be fired.

Among the nine people, there are at least three generals and four lieutenants who can be checked.Among them, General Ding Laihang, the former Air Force Commander, General Zhou Yaning, General Zhou Yanning, General Li Y Chao, General of the Rocket Army Commander, General Zhang Zhenzhong, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Staff of the Central Military Commission, Zhang Yulinzhong, former deputy minister of the Central Military Commission Development DepartmentGeneral, the deputy commander of the southern theater and the naval commander of the Southern theater, Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun, and the former chief of staff and deputy commander of the Rocket Army Li Chuanguang.

The other two were Lu Hongmin, who had served as the Minister of the Rocket Army Equipment Department and Rao Wenmin, who had served in the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission.Although these two men are unknown, they can represent the military representatives of the National People's Congress, and they are generally generals.

In addition to General Li Shangfu, former Minister of Defense, who was dismissed a few months ago, General Xu Zhongbo, former Political Committee of the Rocket Army, at least 11 senior Chinese generals in 2023.

In less than a year, there are more than 10 senior generals "accidents", including five generals. Even if the high -level high -level high -level high -level anti -corruption after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was placed in 2012, it is very rare.It can be described as shocking!

The officials have not yet made any explanations for the reasons for these senior generals.There are rumors in the outside world that some of them may be penetrated to buy, suspected of leaking or even selling information; there are also rumors that they are dissatisfied with high -level policies and may form some kind of alliance privately.

But the above statement is difficult to find evidence support.Generally speaking, military people who can be promoted to generals can enjoy generous treatment. Non -general material interests can be purchased. The risk of deliberately leaking or selling information is far greater than possible.As for the military generals to engage in political alliances privately, the Chinese army with strict control is extremely risky, and similar incidents have rarely occurred after reform and opening up.

However, for the CCP, senior officials are also political issues.Senior officials first disappointed the trust of the officials and the prestige of the high -level officials, and harmed the prestige of the senior level. Once senior officials were corrupt, it was impossible to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of the senior management.Therefore, high -level high -level cases have always been investigated in cases of political issues and corruption issues.

Therefore, the greatest possibility of these people's "accidents" is to use the power in their hands to engage in corruption.Although the Communist Party of China has not relaxed anti -corruption over the past 10 years, high -level officials have also taken out the "big tigers" such as Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou, the former vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, but the military power is too concentrated and the lack of effective supervision and checks and balances has not changed.

From the composition of the personnel of "accidents", the Rocket Army and the military equipment system undoubtedly occupy the big head.

Li Shangfu was a commander of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center and chief of staff of the Commander Department of the General Equipment Department of the PLA. In 2017, he served as the Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission.He also served as commander of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center and later served as Deputy Commander of the Rocket Army; Li Chuanguang served in the Rocket Army for a long time. He used to be the chief of staff and deputy commander of the Rocket Army;The deputy minister of the Ministry of Development and Rao Wendin also served as the leader in the Ministry of Equipment Development of the Military Commission.Obviously, these people are closely related to the rocket army and military equipment affairs.

On December 27, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference withdrew Wu Yansheng, chairman of China Aerospace Technology Group Co., Ltd., Liu Shiquan, Chairman of China Weapon Industry Group Co., Ltd., and Wang Changqing, deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd.qualifications.The two major groups of Aerospace Technology and Aerospace Science and Technology are important sources of Rocket Army equipment, while the weapon industry group is the "national team" for developing military equipment.Wu Yansheng and Liu Shiquan are all deputy ministerial officials, while Wang Changqing is a well -known expert in the aerospace field. They have "accidents" and confirmed from the side that the aerospace system, Rocket Army, and military equipment systems have rare and major "nest cases".

In addition to the Rocket Army and the military equipment system, the former commander of the Air Force Ding Laihang and the former commander of the southern theater, Ju Xingchun, was also investigated.In just a few months, I won more than 10 senior generals including five generals, showing that the army was still closely controlled. Without attracting too much attention from the outside world and rebounding internally, this round of the army was completedInvestigation and punishment of Fang Yijia.

At the same time, this round of anti -corruption also shows that although China's official China's military reform has achieved remarkable results, corruption is still the biggest risk of the army and the entire ruling party.

China's official in January 2023 emphasized in the speech of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the situation of anti -corruption struggle is still severe and complicated, and the task of curbing incremental and clearing stocks is still arduous; comprehensive and strict governance of the party is the long -term strategy and eternal topic of the Chinese Communist Party.It now appears that this judgment is more in line with China's actual situation.

The 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will hold a third plenary meeting from January 8th to 10th, 2024. It is expected that Chinese officials will reiterate at the meeting to maintain zero tolerance.Rotten, don't want to rot.

But under the existing highly concentrated system, it is obviously very difficult to achieve officials, especially senior officials who dare not rot, cannot rot, and do not want to rot.In addition to strong anti -corruption, the Communist Party of China also needs to vigorously promote the reform of economic and political fields and reduce the root cause of corruption.