China's official data showed that in 2022, there were 320 million female employees nationwide, accounting for 43.2%of all employees.

China National Bureau of Statistics on Sunday (December 31) posted news on the official website. In order to comprehensively reflect the implementation process of Chinese women's development (2021-2030), the National Bureau of Statistics According to the outline statistical monitoring indicator system and related related relevant outline, the National Bureau of Statistics and related related statistical monitoring index systems and related related departmentsThe departmental data, from the eight areas of women's health, education, economy, decision -making, comprehensively analyzed the implementation of the implementation progress in 2022.

The results show that the proportion of Chinese women in the whole society is more than 40%. In 2022, there were 320 million female employees nationwide, accounting for 43.2%of all employees.Among the employees of non -private units in cities and towns, there are 67.664 million women, accounting for 40.5%.

In terms of education, in 2022, high school education is 211.77 million among the students, accounting for 46.7%of all students, which is basically the same as 2021.Among the 2022 higher education students were 29.033 million, an increase of 1.225 million over 2021; 50.0%of the students, and the proportion of men and women remained balanced.

Among them, the female graduate students are 1.871 million, accounting for 51.2%of all graduate students; the girls and adult colleges are 18.312 million and 5.314 million among the college students, accounting for 50.0%and 50.0%and respectively.56.9%.

In terms of women's participation in decision -making and management, in 2022, the leaders of the provincial, municipal, and county government work departments were equipped with 11.2%, 15.2%, and 13.5%of the teams of female cadres with full -time female cadres, respectively, respectively.In 2021, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.2 percentage points were raised; the proportion of leaders of the provincial, municipal, and county government work departments with female cadres was 55.2%, 57.3%, and 52.8%, respectively, increased by 1.6, 1.6, and 1.6 and respectively.2.0 percentage points.

Among the enterprises, the proportion of women in the enterprise employee in 2022 was 37.1%; the proportion of women in the supervisors of enterprise employee was 40.8%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from 2021.The proportion of women in the Council of Employees was 30.3%.