From January 5 next year, it will further reduce the fuel surcharge of air tickets. Each passenger will reduce 10 yuan (RMB, Same, S $ 1.87) to 20 yuan.

According to the surging news report, China ’s online travel platform“ Where to go ”received news from airlines on Saturday (December 30). Since January 5, 2024 (ticket date), each one takes the boardAdult passengers with 800 kilometers and below routes charge 40 yuan fuel surcharge, and 70 yuan fuel surcharges are charged by routes above 800 kilometers.

The adjustment of fuel surcharges has been reduced by 10 yuan and 20 yuan compared with the previous, and the level of January 2023, respectively.

According to the relevant personnel of the aviation, the fuel surcharges of China's domestic routes adopt a linkage mechanism with the price of aviation kerosene. Affected by the fluctuation of oil prices, various airlines will be adjusted accordingly.

On January 5 this year, the Chinese air ticket fuel surcharge was first reduced for the first time to 40 yuan/80 yuan.From April 5th, adjust to 30 yuan/60 yuan.From June 5th, adjust to 20 yuan/30 yuan.From August 5 this year, it ushered in the first rise and adjusted to 30/60 yuan; on October 5th, it was raised to 70 yuan/130 yuan.

From November this year, the fuel surcharges have been reduced again, adjusted to 60 yuan/110 yuan on November 5, and adjusted to 50 yuan/90 yuan on November 5, until January 5, next year, reducing it again on January 5 next year.Essence