Zhou Xiaochuan, former president of the People's Bank of China, said that the personal pension system has been implemented for more than a year, but there are still many shortcomings.For the insufficient incentive mechanism, the idea should be wider.

Zhou Xiaochuan made a speech on Friday (December 29) at the 13th China Academy of Social Sciences and China Pension Development Report 2023, and made the above statements.

Zhou Xiaochuan said that the personal pension system is most concerned about insufficient incentive mechanisms. In this regard, he suggested that you consider "for one matching and one" to mobilize your own enthusiasm.

The so -called "supply one with one", that is, the pension personal "one payment", the employer "cooperates with one copy".Simply put, every individual adds one yuan, it becomes two yuan on a personal account, so that the enthusiasm of individuals will be clearly mobilized.

Zhou Xiaochuan said that this is the practice adopted by many countries in the world. "For one matching and one" is more "8%+8%" from the proportion, that is, the company cooperates with the 8%part. ThisIt belongs to the cost of corporate.

Under the current pension system in China, the corporate burden has been adjusted from the past "20%(enterprise)+8%(individual)" to "16%(enterprise)+8%(individual)".

Zhou Xiaochuan said that if you implement "supply one with one", at the same time, if you don't increase the burden on the corporate and affect the competitiveness of the enterprise, 16%of the current enterprise burden canAmong the contributions, 8%of the proportion is taken as a "matching one".

For the gap in the country's overall plan, Zhou Xiaochuan said that a response method is to issue a bond of the state to make up the gap of cash withdrawal.In addition, it is also a way to make up for the gap in pensions through state -owned stocks.

China has implemented a personal pension system since November 25 last year, and has been launched in 36 cities and regions such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, and Guangzhou.By the end of June this year, the number of personal pension accounts in 36 pension accounts in 36 advanced cities and regions in China has exceeded 40 million.