A magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, China, which has killed 116 people in Gansu and Qinghai.According to analysis, the possibility of a strong aftershock in the original earthquake area in recent days.

Comprehensive Chinese media reports, Gansu Province held a press conference to introduce the latest situation of earthquake rescue in the morning of Tuesday (December 19) in Gansu Province.At the press conference, all personnel stood up for the victims.

A magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred at 23:59 on December 18, Linxiazhou County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu, and the depth of the earthquake was 10 kilometers.Earthquake is located in Liugou Township, Jishi Mountain, 8 kilometers from Jishi Mountain County, Linxia Prefecture, 39 kilometers from Linxia City, and 102 kilometers from Lanzhou City.Lanzhou, Qingyang, Pingliang, Tianshui, Longnan, Dingxi, Wuwei, Jinchang and other earthquakes are obvious.

As of now, the earthquake has killed 105 people in Gansu and the house was damaged by 4,782.

The Propaganda Department of the Qinghai Provincial Party Committee and the Qinghai Provincial Emergency Management Department and other departments revealed that the earthquake affected Qinghai in the neighboring province. As of 6 am on Tuesday, 11 people were killed in Haidong City, Qinghai Province, and 140 were injured.Some houses in counties and other counties and districts have collapsed, and personnel rescue and disaster verification work is still ongoing.

对于是否还会再次发生较大余震,相关部门负责人在发布会上说,根据本次地震区域构造、历史地震活动、地震序列类型等特征,综合分析认为,本次In recent days, the possibility of a magnitude 5 strong surplus in the earthquake zone has occurred in recent days.

In terms of rescue, there have been more than 1,500 national comprehensive fire rescue teams, more than 1,500 public security police officers, and more than 1,000 troops to the disaster area;The earthquake relief funds are 20 million yuan (RMB, about S $ 3.73 million) to help the disaster area properly settled the affected people.

The official emphasized that the current work of rescue and rescue is carried out in an orderly manner. Please rest assured of all sectors of society.Due to the limitation of traffic conditions in the earthquake area, social volunteers, people outside the earthquake area, and social vehicles should not go to the shock area to avoid causing traffic congestion and ensure that rescue channels and life channels are smooth.

The Western theater of the PLA has launched an emergency response mechanism in accordance with the order of the Military Commission's joint refers to the center. The rescue and disaster relief command system is established as soon as possible, and the forward command post is sent to the Zhen District to unify the disaster relief operation of the army.

At present, emergency rescue forces such as the 76th Army, the Gansu Provincial Military Region, and the Armed Police Gansu Corps have entered the earthquake area to carry out personnel search and rescue, road cleanup and other work.