Asiabean and Japan both attach importance to and pay attention to regional security and stability and freedom of sailing. New Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong believes that Japan can play an important role in this regard and cooperate with regional countries.

Li Xianlong visited Tokyo, Japan from December 15th to 18th to participate in the Asianiman MDASH; the 50th anniversary of the Japanese friendly cooperation.

In an interview with the Singapore media on the last day of the itinerary, he said that Japan, which signed the security treaty with the United States, closely cooperates with the United States on the one hand, and also hopes to maintain a stable relationship with China, and cooperate with regional countries to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote to promote the promotion of regional countries to promote itAsia Pacific security.

Li Xianlong pointed out that due to the historical factors of World War II, the situation of decades after the war was unusual, but now the World War II has passed nearly 80 years, the situation has changed, and Japan has also changed, which can contribute to regional security.

He believes that Japan can actively participate in the Asian Regional Forum and participate in regional cooperation architectures such as the ADMM-Plus meeting of the Minister of Defense.

The Eight -Eight countries refer to the eight detachment partners of Australia, China, India, Japan, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Russia, and the United States.Japan has participated in the Asian District Forum in 1994.

Li Xianlong: Japan's relationship with Asia's security security focuses on cooperation rather than military reserve

As for Japan's deeper participation in regional security, whether it will trigger arms competitions, Li Xianlong said that the security relationship between Japan and Asian'an focuses more on cooperation, not arms, so it does not think that this competition will be caused.

He said that although Japan has provided military assistance for some regional countries, the scale is not large.In fact, if you want to talk about military construction, the driving force is strategic competition, not a regional issue.

Asiabean and Japan adopted a joint vision statement at the 50th anniversary summit on Sunday (17th) to agree to strengthen security cooperation including maritime security.

Li Xianlong also said at the summit that Singapore was willing to deepen cooperation with Japan to promote regional peace and stability, including the welcoming aircraft and ships of the Japanese Self -Defense Force to stop in Singapore.He told the Singapore media that this is just as we also receive ships and planes in the United Kingdom, the United States, China and other countries in Singapore.

Japan intends to provide technical and financial support for regional energy transformation

The Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) was held on Monday, the first leader meeting of AZEC. In addition to the host Japan, the Nine Inn (excluding Myanmar) and Australia were also participated.(Provided by the Department of Communication and News)

The first leader meeting of Asia Zero Emissions (AZEC) initiated by Japan (referred to as AZEC) was held on Monday (18th).

AZEC surses energy transitions that meet the situation of various countries, and Japan intends to provide support for technology, finance and human resources.

In addition to Japan, 10 other participating countries are Nine Kingdoms (excluding Myanmar) and Australia.

李显龙会后在脸书发文说,气候变化已成为影响经济增长和贸易的关键考量,参与国在会上讨论了各自脱碳旅程中的挑战和机遇,以及如何合作,以更顺利地过渡至低Carbon future.

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference reached an agreement last week, agreed to promote the use of energy system transformation and disconnection from fossil fuels in an orderly and fair way.

In summary of the interview, Li Xianlong said that this is a good development. Although there are controversy on how to interpret and implement a statement of the conference, this basically means that to reduce the use of fossil fuels to be used to transition to net zero emissions.

He pointed out that the difficulty is what to make up after reducing the use of fossil fuels, whether it is renewable energy, or to solve the carbon produced by carbon capture and storage.But reducing the dependence and development of fossil fuels and more renewable energy and new energy, I think this is the right direction in the world.

In addition to supporting AZEC in Singapore, and establishing a green and digital shipping corridor with Japan, it is also interested in the areas that are interested in both sides such as hydrogen energy to launch cooperation and share professional knowledge, and learn from Japan as much as possible.

New Day celebrated the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2026.Li Xianlong said that the two countries have good political relations and economic exchanges are booming.Singapore and Japan are the largest Asian investment countries in each other. Singapore's investment in Japan has also expanded from traditional real estate and hotels to venture capital, services and preschool education.

The two sides also carry out policy cooperation in digital and green economy, and laid a good foundation for promoting the development of relations between the two countries and the overall.