(Guangzhou Comprehensive News) The first ultra -deep -water ocean drilling boat developed by China independently developed, officially named the "Dream", and plans to be tried for the first time in the near future.

Comprehensive China News Network, Reuters, etc., the "Dream" was held on Monday (December 18) in Nansha, Guangzhou held naming and first trial activities.An important step.

It is reported that the "Dream" has a total length of 179.8 meters, a width of 32.8 meters, weighing about 33,000 tons, and has a battery life of 15,000 nautical miles (about 27780 kilometers). It can conduct maritime operations for 120 days.This ship can resist the class 16 of typhoon, and is currently the only ship in the world that can be drilled at a depth of 11,000 meters.

Lei Yong, commander of the "Dream" project department of the Guangzhou Oceanic Bureau of China Geological Survey, said that the trial voyage will be carried out in several stages. The first trial voyage to test the main power system to meet the design requirements, and the power positioning will be conducted.Harmony and rig trials.

The report did not disclose detailed information about the specific location of the trial voyage.