(Beijing Comprehensive News) Chinese officials are The annual economic work ended last weekAt the meeting , the risks of the three major fields of real estate, local debt and small and medium -sized financial institutions were proposed to coordinate.Chinese official media published an article on Sunday that economic work next year should be highly alert to the "Black Swan" incident and prevent the "gray rhino" incident at any time.

The China Economic Daily Sunday (December 17) published an comment article entitled to achieve development and security dynamic balance, pointing out that security is the prerequisite for development and development is a guarantee of security."If the safety foundation is not solid, the development of the building will move the mountain; if the development is difficult to sustain, the security guarantee will not be able to talk about it."

The article said that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has clearly deployed the work focus of next year. A seriesIn terms of ideas, catching the key points, and fighting the risk of preventing risks.

The article focuses on "security", saying that strengthening the bottom line of thinking is indispensable.It is necessary to have the caution of the thin ice and the sorrowful sorrow.Think more about risks and estimate the difficulty of difficulties, and never commit strategic and disruptive errors.

The article says that it is necessary to play chess first, take the initiative, be alert to the "black swan" incident, and prevent the "gray rhino" incident at any time.The resolution and stable development of local debt risks must be resolved. The economic provinces must truly provoke the beams and make greater contributions to stabilizing the national economy.

Talking about "development", the article states that whether it is to ensure the safety of food, energy, and important resources, the stable and safe supply chain of the industrial chain, or the realization of high -level technology self -reliance, it is necessary to improve the security strength through development results, to be a result of the development results.Realize higher levels and higher levels of security to provide a stronger foundation and conditions.

"Black Swan Incident" refers to small probability events that are difficult to predict but cause chain reactions, and finally bring huge negative systemic effects.The "gray rhino" incident refers to a crisis that may occur.

Regarding the general tone of risk prevention work in China's economic and financial field next year, according to Xinhua News Agency, at the CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference in Beijing last Tuesday (December 12), it was proposed to coordinate real estate, local debt, small and medium -sized, small and medium -sized, small and medium -sizedRisks such as financial institutions have severely crack down on illegal financial activities, and resolutely keep the bottom line without systemic risks.

With the increase in economic development uncertainty, Chinese leadership has repeatedly emphasized the existence and danger of "black swan" and "gray rhinos" in the economic and financial sector in recent years, and increased the risk prevention to a more prominent position.

When the Chinese official secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China hosted a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee last April, it was proposed to analyze the current economic situation and economic work.The incidents of "Black Swan" and "Gray Rhino" occurred.