China officially issued opinions on handling criminal cases of drunk dangerous driving. Among them, the plot of the drunk drunk driving may not be prosecuted or convicted.

According to China CCTV, the Supreme People's Court of China, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued opinions on the handling of criminal cases of drunk dangerous driving (opinion for shortTo.Opinions will be implemented next Thursday (December 28).

It is reported that since the drunk driving in 2011, the malignant traffic death accident caused by drunk drunk driving has decreased significantly.In order to adapt to the new situation and new changes, the system summarized the judicial experience of law enforcement since the drunk driving sentence, further unified the law enforcement judicial standards, strictly regulated and handled the drunk driving cases, and jointly formulated the "two highs and two" investigations and research.

Opinions stipulate that fifteen kinds of cases such as drunk driving and drunk driving have been punished, which stipulates ten situations that generally do not apply for probation.In the case, if the drunk driving is repeated, other crimes such as drunk driving will constitute other crimes such as traffic accidents shall be convicted in accordance with the severe punishment and strictly investigate criminal responsibility.

The opinions are clear. If the plot of drunk driving is mild, it may not be prosecuted or convicted for exemption; if the circumstances are significant and the harm is not great, it can be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law.

Many Chinese media reposted reports on social media Weibo.Some netizens said: "How to define this' significant plot and little harm." Some netizens criticized: "Drunk driving can be mild, I dare not think about others."