The performance of China's economic recovery is uneven. In November, the industrial added value increased by 6.6%year -on -year, achieving the strongest increase since September last year; the real estate field continued to weaken, and the total retail increase in social consumer goods was lower than expected.

The data of the National Economic Operations released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Friday (December 15th) showed that the value added of industrial industries above designated size in November increased by 6.6%year -on -year, which was 2 percentage points from last month;EssenceThe height increase was mainly set off by the low base during the epidemic period last year, but it was also significantly higher than the market forecast average of 5.7%.

In November, the total import and export of goods increased by 1.2%year -on -year, which was 0.3 percentage points accelerated from the previous month. Among them, exports increased by 1.7%, ending the decline of six consecutive months.

However, the overall economic recovery of China's overall economy and uneven growth in various fields continue to highlight, of which the continuous shrinking of real estate is the most prominent.

The national fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) from January to November increased by 2.9%year -on -year, which was the same as the first 10 months this year.Infrastructure investment and manufacturing investment increased by 5.8%and 6.3%year -on -year, but real estate development investment decreased by 9.4%; the sales area of ​​commercial housing fell by 8%, the sales of commercial housing fell by 5.2%, and the newly operated area of ​​houses fell by 21.2%.

In terms of consumption, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 10.1%year -on -year, an acceleration of 2.5 percentage points from last month, but a decrease of 0.06%month -on -month, a year -on -year increase of 12.5%of the outside world.

China's unemployment rate is flat

China's employment situation has not improved. In November, the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5%, which remained at a level of 5%for three consecutive months.

The CPC Central Committee's Economic Work Conference this week has pointed out that factors such as insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations, and many hidden risks are still in China. It is the main economic difficulties and challenges in China.

Liu Aihua, a spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics, Liu Aihua, the Director of the General Department of the National Economic Economic Comprehensive Statistics of the National Statistics Bureau, introduced the economic data at the press conference on Friday that with the efficiency of various macro policies, the national economy in November, the national economy in NovemberContinue to rise."But we must also see that there are still many factors for external instability and uncertainty, and domestic demand is still insufficient. The economic recovery is still consolidated."

Liu Aihua said that China's consumption will gradually change from post -epidemic to continuous expansion. The problems of insufficient effective demand in the current economic operation are expected to gradually alleviate, and the low price operation will be improved, and there will be no deflation.

Fu Fangjian, an associate professor of Li Guangqian Business School of Singapore Management University, was judged during the interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Although the year -on -year data of industrial added value is not much representative, it still increases by two percentage points compared to October. "This shows the industry." This shows the industry.The recovery situation is good. "

Fu Fangjian said that the rise of industrial activities is relatively obvious, fixed asset investment continues to decline in the real estate field, and the consumer field has maintained a recovery trend; these signs reflect that China's official encouragement policies since the middle of the year, as well as frequentlyThe release of the focus of development to the economy is showing a preliminary effect.As long as the existing policy direction does not change, the active development trend will continue until next year.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, pointed out that the decline in the national real estate development investment index expanded, showing that the problems such as capital pressure and corporate confidence still plague this indicator, and the current recovery foundation is not firm.