Two people familiar with the matter said that the well -known global quantitative fund, with a management of nearly $ 8 billion (approximately S $ 10.747 billion) assets, will set up a Chinese office in Shanghai.

Reuters on Wednesday (December 13) quoted sources as a reporter that Kuanli Capital, headquartered in London in October, hired two senior employees in China in October.The well -known hedge fund received the approval of China's qualified overseas investors (QFII) at the end of last year.

Reported that the decision of Guanli shows that although many foreign investors are evacuating China under the influence of economic challenges and geopolitics, some global investors still see the potential of the world's second largest market in the worldEssence

And, although the Chinese stock market has fallen to five years, the trend tracking quantitative fund (usually driven by machines, the scope of transactions cover stocks, bonds and commodities) performed well in China.

Razvan Remsing, director of Kuanli Capital Investment Solution, told Reuters last week: "The depth, liquidity and differences in the Chinese futures market are incredible."

Reuters ReutersA letter from the investor that I saw showed that the wide competitors and the most powerful hedge fund in the United States Two Sigma's CTA (commodity trading consultant) fund in mainland China increased by 10%in the first 10 months of this year.

Reported that despite the tight relations with the West, China has been working hard to attract foreign investment into its capital market by improving efficiency and expanding the scope of assets and cross -border hedging tools.

Citadel Securities, the world's largest city merchant, said last month that the company is seeking to obtain a Chinese license.According to the Finance News Agency, 36%of the US retail stock transaction was implemented on the trading platform of castle securities, and the overall valuation of more than $ 22 billion at the beginning of last year.