(Beijing Comprehensive News) The official report of China, currently the diagnosis and treatment of children's respiratory diseases at the second level of medical institutions in the country is present.

The spokesman for the National Health and Health Commission of China Mi Feng Sunday (December 10) revealed the above news at the press conference, and said that the increase in the increase in the increase in pediatric diagnosis of some large children's specialized hospitals and comprehensive hospitals in China was alleviated.

Mi Feng said that from the perspective of the overall situation of the hot kidney and emergency department, the number of national respiratory diseases in the country has been relatively stable in recent times. In particular, grassroots medical institutions have diverted some patients, and the overall normal medical services across the country have not been affected.

, China has entered a high incidence of respiratory diseases since November, China, , , , , , ,, China, , , , , ,, , , , ,, , , , ,, , ,, China, , .Multi -place pediatric hospitals are overcrowded, and there are even more than 10 hours of waiting time in some places.

Although the amount of pediatric diagnosis has declined, Mi Feng still reminds key places such as primary and secondary schools, nursing homes to do a good job of ventilation and disinfection, strengthen health science popularization and health monitoring, and reduce the risk of infection.

For the prevention and control situation of respiratory diseases, Li Banghua, deputy director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said at the same press conference on Sunday that the respiratory disease prevention and control situation of nationwide pension institutions is generally stable.

Li Banghua introduced that the Ministry of Civil Affairs made four arrangements for the prevention and control of respiratory diseases of the elderly institutions to strengthen the protection of the elderly for the elderly for the elderly, including keeping the green channels for the elderly in the elderly.; Guide the elderly care institutions that provide medical care and nursing services to do a good job of partitioning to prevent cross -infection; do a good job of preventing and controlling the internal care institutions, and the staff does not bring illnesses to work.See the doctor for treatment.

CDC issued a guidance of four types of high -risk scenarios to wear masks

China National Disease Prevention and Control Bureau also issued a mask guidance on Saturday (December 9), asking the public to wear masks when entering the four types of infection high -risk scenarios.

These four types of scenarios include: the risk of dissection of respiratory infectious diseases, such as when contacting those infected with respiratory tract infection; in the case or scene of high risk of infection, such as when going to medical institutionsEnter the situation or scenes of key institutions, such as concentrated places such as entering the elderly institutions; and to prevent public service personnel from entering key institutions in key institutions, such as public service personnel from key institutions such as schools to wear masks during their work.

Guidance clearly suggests that the situation or scene of not wearing a mask includes: when physical exercise, when the risk of infection is low, or some people who are not suitable for wearing masks, such as the age of 3 and below.

According to Mi Feng earlier, China's current acute respiratory diseases in China are caused by known diseases, and there are corresponding mature treatment methods. No new virus or bacterial new hair infectious diseases were found.