On the occasion of high incidence of respiratory diseases across China, Li Banghua, deputy director of the Pension Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, said that the prevention and control situation of respiratory diseases in nationwide pension institutions is generally stable.

According to CCTV, the National Health and Health Commission of China held a press conference on Sunday (December 10).At the meeting, Li Banghua said that the elderly institution is a dense place for personnel, and the elderly are weak in their own immunity, most of them suffer from basic diseases, or they cannot take care of themselves. It is difficult to prevent and control during the high incidence of respiratory diseases in winter.

Li Banghua said that according to the deployment of the China State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism, the Ministry of Civil Affairs made four arrangements for the prevention and control of respiratory diseases of the elderly institutions to strengthen the protection of the elderly for the elderly for the elderly, including strengthening organizational leadership and leadership of the elderly, including strengthening organizational leadership and leadership, and leadership and leadership of the elderly.Strengthen the science popularization education, keep the "gate" of the elderly institutions, and do a good job of preventing and controlling the internal care institutions.

In terms of internal prevention and control of the elderly institutions, Li Banghua mentioned that the elderly carried out health monitoring daily, and the elderly living room and public activity area were regularly ventilated and replaced.Take the medical treatment in time.

Li Banghua said that at present, civil affairs departments at all levels and elderly care institutions at all levels are actively implementing, and the prevention and control situation of respiratory diseases in nationwide pension institutions is generally stable.

According to the WeChat account of the China National CDC on Saturday (December 9), the National CDC issued a notice requesting the public to enter the hospital, pension institutions, and childcare institutionsWhen occasion and key agencies, we should wear masks.