Yu Chengdong, the executive director of Huawei, said that Huawei will launch a very leading, innovative and disruptive product next year.

Comprehensive Securities Times and IT House News, 2023 Huawei Pollen Year Saturday (December 9) was held at the Songshan Lake Base.

Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei, Terminal BG CEO, and Smart Car Solution BU, said at the annual meeting that Huawei will launch products of Hongmeng's native application and native experience next year.

He said, "At that time, you can see how we can rewrite the history of the industry. Hope to continue to bring about what to surpass everyone's expectations, do things that others can think ofAnd even what they dare not think.Some people in the industry said that Huawei has indeed established a plan for Hongmeng's incompetence next year, but the specific time has not yet been clear.

The Hongmeng system was developed by Huawei. At the new product launch conference at the end of September, Yu Chengdong announced that it would fully start Hongmeng's native application.

According to the previous report, many Internet companies in China have released the posts of developing engineers related to the Hongmeng system, and many platforms are also planning to launch Hongmang Mongolian applications.