(Beijing/Manila Comprehensive News) China Maritime Police on Saturday (December 9) said that "control measures" for business vessels near the sea of ​​Huangyan Island near Huangyan Island, and the Philippines pointed out that China would implement routine supply to implement routine suppliesThe mission of the Philippine ship fired high -pressure water guns to condemn the "illegal and aggressive" behavior.

MaryKay Carlson, a US ambassador to the Philippines, immediately posted on the social media platform X stated that Chinese behavior "violates international law, endangers life and livelihood".She said that the United States and the Philippines supported the free and open Indo -Pacific region in the same Front.

The China Maritime Police WeChat released a newsletter on Saturday, saying that the Chinese Maritime Police invaded the Philippines to break through Huangyan Island (Philippines called Skobel Shakya).

The report from the daily reporter of the General Reuters and the Philippines, the Philippine South China Sea Special Working Group issued a statement on the same day, saying that the Chinese maritime police ship fired a water cannon to the government ships who performed conventional supply missions and paid them to the "China Maritime Police.Expressing strong condemnation with the illegal and aggressive behavior of Chinese maritime militia. "

The working group said that the three fishery bureaus ships were providing fuel and food grocery supplies for more than 30 Philippine fishing vessels near Huangyan Island.The communications and navigation equipment of the ship are damaged.In addition, China also uses a hard -shell inflatable boat to drive away the Filipino fishing vessels waiting for supply.The working group said: "It is not only illegal, but also inhumane to prevent the distribution of assistance supplies."

It is reported that China uses long -range acoustic devices that are said to be for the Philippine business vessels, leading to serious discomfort in some Philippine crew members in a short period of time.There are also Philippine fishermen notified that the Chinese Police sent a boat on Saturday to "illegally install" a floating barrier at the southeast entrance of Huangyan Island, and the Chinese ships guarded.

The working group requires the Chinese government to take action immediately, stop these "aggression activities", maintain the principles of international law, and stop the Filipino fishermen's life and livelihood of Filipino fishermen who violate the sovereignty of the Philippines and endanger fishing in the region.

Huangyan Island is one of the most controversial waters in the South China Sea and the main fishing area of ​​Philippine vessels.China claims that there is arbitrary sovereignty over Huangyan Island and nearby waters, and has driven the Philippine fishing vessels on Huangyan Island since 2012.The Philippine fishermen recently complained that China ’s increasingly strong performance on Huangyan Island has seriously cracking down on their livelihoods and endangering the safety of fishing vessels.

Since October, China and the Philippines have frequently frictions in controversial waters in the South China Sea.The Chinese and Philippine ships occurred two collisions in the sea in Ayunjin Reef (known as Renai Reef) on October 22. It is the most serious friction in the South China Sea in the South China Sea in recent years.