The election of the Hong Kong District Council is approaching, and Zeng Guowei, the director of the political system of Hong Kong and the mainland affairs, said on Saturday (December 9) that the central government did not set up a hard indicator for the district and saidIn the case, the heart that citizens will get after voting will be discredited into a "vote certificate", which does not rule out that it is soft confrontation.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio reported that Zeng Guowei said in a TV show that the government would work hard to make the public feel the sincerity of the Hong Kong government. When the citizens understand the benefits of the new system, the voting rate will naturally naturallyrise.He also said that the central government did not set up hard indicators for the district, but the central government hoped that the Hong Kong government would do his own work, saying that "can really make citizens live and live a happy and happy life, so the hard indicator is not."The central government saw the efforts of the Hong Kong government. "The most important thing is to look at our intentions and how to do our work with the heart."

Asked about whether some members questioned whether some elderly centers received the elderly to vote for the elderly to vote"Valley Tickets (Powerful Tickets)", Zeng Guowei believes that this is not the case, just try to take some convenient measures to facilitate voters in need.He believes that voters have their own choices, not hinder their choice.

Zeng Guowei said that every election hopes to excel and do some better and intimate services, such as assisting the elderly or unable to stand for a long time.He emphasized that many elders want to vote, but because of inconvenient action and other situations, they fail to carry out as well, so there are related arrangements.

As for the newly set up nearly 13,000 people's registration, it is 30 % of the limit. Zeng Guowei said that many Hong Kong people in the mainland will return to the area where they live for voting.Representatives have only 13,000 votes in Lu and Hong Kong people who return to Hong Kong.The ticket station reflects the needs and believes that it will be retained in the future.

As for whether to actively inspect to ensure that there is no publicity for individual candidates, Zeng Guowei said that he would further remind the person in charge of the agency to strictly abide by the guidance.On the day of the election, a special team will make supervision all over the weather. The team consists of dozens of people. The members are mainly from the Political Affairs and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Election Affairs Office, and the Government News Office.

In addition, the Hong Kong government will send a card to the voting citizen, and there is a voice to worry about whether it will become a "voting certificate".Zeng Guowei emphasized that the heart card is a "more warm policy", hoping to express the government's mind after the citizens enthusiastically support the election and vote.He laughed and said that "the heart card itself is not a valuable thing." "The style of the heart card is exactly the same. There is no special number when distributing.There is no request for civil servants to show the voting of the mind card after voting, and said that during the election, it is not ruled out that someone uses soft confrontation or deliberately slandering and discrediting the government's intentions to destroy the election.He emphasized that if someone excessively interprets the good intentions of the government, and repeatedly clarify and emphasize, he still describes his mind as a "voting certificate" and does not rule out a soft confrontation behavior.