The former legislator Qiu Yi, a former Kuomintang in Taiwan, posted on Facebook, and directly criticized the Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Qingde to talk about choking when his hometown was illegal to build tax evasion. It was a natural drama.

According to Taiwan media reports, Lai Qingde was interviewed on Friday (December 8) and choked when the new Taipei Wanli hometown was illegal.

In this regard, Qiu Yi was criticized on Facebook on Saturday (December 9). Lai Qingde was really a natural drama, a modern film emperor.

Qiu Yi wrote that Lai Qingde accepted an interview with the media on Friday. When he talked about the problem of illegal construction, he choked and wiped tears, but did he be illegally built, can he not be dismantled when he cries?

He pointed out that in addition to Lai Qingde, who has such special treatment (no need to dismantle in violation of construction), not to mention that when Lai Qingde dismantled other people's houses, he was full of decisiveness and courage.

Qiu Yi said, did those residents who were forcibly demolished in the eastward movement of the South Railway hadn't they cried?Not only was crying, but also begging for kneeling. At that time, Lai Qingde had a little retreat, a trace of mercy?Now that things come to his head, he feels sorry for himself, as if forcing him to demolish his illegal construction of his hometown, all of them are wolf -hearted and dogs, and they have no sympathy and empathy.

Qiu Yi bluntly said that Lai Qingde was also good at opening his eyes to talk nonsense. He said that there has been a tax payment for Wanli illegal construction. Why did the New Taipei City Government not record and bite Hou Youyi in a bite.

He said that these strategic operations prove that Lai Qingde is not only good at playing sad cards, but also longer than operating political cards."

Qiu Yi predicts that the Taiwanese people eat or not eat Lai Qingde. After more than thirty days, I saw the true chapter.He believes that if you are illegal and non -demolition, the tax payable will not be paid, and the property declaration shall be missed this. If you can still be favored by voters, the high votes are selected as the president.It's right.