From the Middle East China Sunday (December 10) to the 11th and 13th to 15th, the process of rain and snow weather will be two times, and the China Meteorological Administration will launch a three -level emergency response.

According to China Weather Network, two large -scale rain and snow weather will occur from December 10th to 11th, 11th, 13th to 15th, and will be accompanied by continuous cooling.

Among them, from the 10th to 11th, North China and Huanghuai will have the first large -scale snowfall in winter.David snow, the snowfall has a certain extreme, and the cooling can reach more than 12 degrees Celsius; from 13th to 15th, there will be snow to the heavy snow in central and southern North China, northern Huanghuai, and northeast region.Further decline.

After comprehensive research and judgment and emergency consultation, the Office of the China Meteorological Administration, Disaster Reduction Department, Forecast DivThe center, the shadow center, the publicity science popularization center (newspaper), the service center, and the Huafeng Group immediately entered the status of the III emergency response.Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan and Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning and other provincial meteorological bureaus initiated the corresponding level emergency response according to the actual research and judgment. All units must strictly follow the work process of the emergency response of meteorological disasters.The influence and targeted services of the industry and the public have reported the China Meteorological Bureau in a timely manner.