The Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on Friday (December 8) to deploy anti -corruption in 2024, emphasizing the need to continue to make efforts and promoting anti -corruption struggles in depth, and special rectification of more prominent industrial, systematic, and regional corruption issues.Investigate and deal with the flies around the masses.

Scholars of interviewees pointed out that in the past, more officials described corrupt officials with tigers and flies in the past, and ants were smaller than flies. They should refer to the grassroots or ordinary staff who used their job convenience and infringing on the interests of the people.On the occasion of economic downturn, investigating and dealing with fly greedy ants is conducive to creating a good business environment and also conducive to promoting economic growth.

China's official on Friday presided over the Politburo meeting to study and deploy the work of party style and clean government in 2024.The meeting agreed to hold the third plenary session of the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission on January 8 next year, with a session of three days.

The meeting emphasized that the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs should unswervingly promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and continue to deepen the righteousness and anti -corruption.We must insist on receiving bribes and bribery together, deepen the source of the source, and resolutely eradicate the soil and conditions of corruption.

On the day of the Politburo Meeting, Wang Yixin, executive deputy governor of Heilongjiang, in charge of food, energy and other fields, was the first tiger since this month.The middle management cadres who were investigated this year also increased to 43 people, more than 30 % more than the 32 central management cadres who had fallen in the whole year last year, and also surpassed the record of 41 people in 2014.

Scholars: Wang Yixin's falling horse indicates that energy and food state -owned enterprises will increase anti -corruption

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, was analyzed in an interview with the Lianhe Morning Post. On the day of the Politburo meeting, Wang Yixin was announced, indicating that the official would increase anti -corruption in the fields of energy, food, and state -owned enterprises.

Tang Renwu also pointed out that the current Chinese economy is facing large downward pressure, and some public opinion in the society believes that economic downturn is related to anti -corruption.The latest meetings of the CCP's senior management and the number of cadres in the middle of the disappearance of the Malaysians this year, the information released is actually both economic development and anti -corruption, and both hands must be grasped.

Tang Renwu pointed out that the official proposal to investigate and deal with the anti -corruption is a new iconic signal in depth of anti -corruption, indicating that anti -corruption will further sink the grassroots level and improve some people's difficulty in doing things.

On Friday, Wang Yixin, who was falling, was also a member of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. He is 58 years old and is from Yingshan, Hubei. The last time he appeared on December 4th.

Wang Yixin worked in China Ocean Petroleum Corporation, Hainan, and Shanxi Province.At the end of 2021, he took the vice governor of Heilongjiang, the vice -governor of Shanxi, and across the province. Before falling off the horse, he was responsible for the executive work of the Heilongjiang government, responsible for the comprehensive economy and other aspects.Management bureau and so on.

Heilongjiang's officialdom has continued to fluctuate in the past six months.Qu Min, vice chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was investigated in June this year, and Li Haitao, another Vice Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, was also investigated in September.

Li Haitao, who has been working in Heilongjiang for a long time, has served as secretary and deputy governor of the provincial government, and has worked with Wang Yixin.The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced on December 7 that Qu Min was opened (expel the party and public office), saying that he was engaged in power and money transactions, and used his position to make a profit for others in business operations and engineering contracting, and illegally received huge property.

The Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on October 27 to review the policy and measures of further promoting the overall revitalization of the Northeast.

Tang Renwu pointed out that Heilongjiang is one of the Chinese granaries and is critical to ensuring food security; the province's economic dysfunction for many years is related to the large population outflow and the poor business environment.When the central government launched a new round of comprehensive rejuvenation in the Northeast, it is estimated that a large amount of funds will be transferred to the local area. Strict anti -corruption aims to lay the political foundation for Heilongjiang to avoid the investment in the central government's investment in corruption.

Analysis and Research on the Politburo Meeting of the Communist Party of China 2024

As the Chinese economic recovery continues to be unstable, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on Friday (December 8) to require the economic work in 2024. We must adhere to the general tone of the work of stability and strengthen the macro policy counter -cycle and cross -cycle adjustment.Continue to implement positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policies.The meeting also required to expand its high levels of opening up and consolidate the basic market for foreign trade and foreign capital.

The meeting held by the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China also analyzed the economic work in 2024.The meeting pointed out that this year is a year after the economic recovery and development of the crown disease epidemic prevention and control of the crown disease.Returning to improve, new breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation have achieved new breakthroughs, and reform and opening up have been promoted in depth.

Economists generally believe that China can achieve a growth goal of about 5 % of this year at the beginning of this year, but it believes that the goal is conservative.

The Politburo Meeting requires that we will adhere to the stability next year, promote stability with advance, stabilize, and break through, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, promote high -level technology self -reliance, increase macro -control, enhance economic vitality, improve social expectations, consolidate and enhance enhancementEconomic recovery is rising.

The Chinese economy is currently facing multiple challenges, and various support measures have failed to reverse the weakness of real estate.Local governments are in financial tension, consumers are innovative, and they also put pressure on the prospects.

The Politburo did not directly mention the risk of the real estate market and local debt, but it was required to continue to effectively prevent and resolve the risks of key areas, and resolutely keep the bottom line that does not occur without systemic risks.The official has not yet announced when the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which has closely watched investors.

Before the Politburo meeting, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China also held a symposium on outside party members on Wednesday (December 6) to solicit opinions and suggestions on economic work.At the official meeting of Chinese officials, we need to adhere to the general tone of the work of steady progress next year, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, promote high -level technology self -reliance, and increase macro -control.