Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday (December 6) when he called the U.S. Secretary of State Brinkens, he conflicted with Harbin that at the crossroads of war and peace, the great power was particularly especially in the crossroads of war and peace.We must adhere to fairness and justice, make every effort to cool down the situation, and prevent larger humanitarian disasters.

According to CCTV news reports, Wang Yi conflicts with Pakistani during the call with Bollingken and agrees to maintain communication on the situation in the Middle East.

Wang Yi said that the priority is to stop the fire as soon as possible.At the crossroads of war and peace, the great powers must adhere to fairness and justice, adhere to objective and fairness, show calmness, and make every effort to cool down the situation to prevent larger humanitarian disasters.

Wang Yi pointed out that any solution to the current Gaza crisis cannot be contrary to the "two countries' plans", and any arrangement involving Palestine's future must reflect the wishes of the Palestinian people.China believes that the core of the solution is to respect Palestine's national power and self -determination rights, reflecting "owner, Baurea -led, and Pakistan governing Pakistan."China is willing to work with all parties to make efforts for this.

In addition, Brinken also thanked Wang Yi for going to the United States Embassy in China to hang the former Secretary of State of the United States Kissinger.Wang Yi said that Kissinger has always advocated that the two major powers of China and the United States should respect each other and evolve together, fulfill their due international responsibilities, and repeatedly emphasize that the United States should fully understand the importance of Taiwan issues to China.Later generations promote and develop.

Wang Yi said that Chinese President Xi Jinping successfully met with US President Bayeng in San Francisco, determining the future "San Francisco Vision", which is a milestone.

王毅指出,当前双方的重要任务就是延续旧金山会晤积极效应,把两国元首的共识落到实处,巩固中美关系企稳势头,推动中美关系朝着健康、稳定、Sustainable direction improves development.This is the department of the common interests of China and the United States, and it is also the responsibility of the two major powers.

According to the press release of the U.S. State Department, while Blingken and Wang Yi talked about the recent visit to the Middle East, and the diplomatic efforts of the United States in the Middle East.Blindken reiterated that all parties must work hard to prevent conflicts from conflict.