After the Chinese Football Association completed the general work in October this year, the functional department will streamline from 18 to 13, and the professional league will also be operated by the new league company.

According to Beijing Wednesday (December 6), the Chinese Football Association has accelerated the pace of internal institutional adjustment after the renewal. The specific plan has been approved by the superior management department in the near future.

It is reported that the new Chinese Football Association will complete the integration of internal institutions in accordance with the model of "13 departments + 2 companies + 1 base".Its original functions allocate other departments.In addition, the Chinese Super League, China A, and the China -B will be uniformly operated by professional league companies in the future, and the company name and specific functions will be determined.

Before the renewal, the Chinese Football Association set up the organizational structure in accordance with the "18 + 1 + 1 + 1" mode, marking the establishment of 18 functional departments under the Football Association.The three companies refer to Ford Bao Company, Xianghe National Team Training Base, and the China -League Preparatory Group (Super League Company) of the China Football Association's wholly -owned subsidiary, Xianghe National Team Training Base, and the China Football Team.In addition, there are also relatively independent national football development key cities' leading groups (referred to as the Football City Office).

Since May 2020, the Chinese Football Association has begun to consciously streamline the internal institutions.This is because in the two years before, the Football Association has established up to 28 functional departments.Due to the excessive refinement of the functions of various departments, the problem of business intersections or even overlapping between multiple departments has exacerbated the complexity of relevant work implementation and affecting work efficiency.

根据方案,未来中国足协将下设13个职能部门,分别为党务、纪检与监察、媒体公关、综合、外事、国家队管理、青训、女子足球、裁判、竞赛、Technology, Social Football, Member Association, etc.

In addition, when the China -Football Federation can finally be established and unconventional, the high probability of operation of the third -level professional league in China, China A and China B will be established by a new "professional league company" in the future.Come to the specific operation.This means that the Zhongzu Preparatory team may face renames and participate in the operation of the third -level professional league with the nature of the "company".

Liu Jun, deputy leader of the Central Football Union Preparatory Group and the former chairman of the Super League, was investigated in August this year.After Liu Jun was investigated, the Super League has all disappeared since its establishment in 2006.