The urban -rural integrated demonstration area of ​​Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, China is accused of restoration of the river in the name of the river, and occupy the lake to create lakes in violation of regulations.

According to the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on Friday (December 1), the Central Second Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Team Inspector Henan Province found that the illegal occupation of more than 490 acres of cultivated land in the urban and rural integration demonstration zone of Sanmenxia CityRiver flood is safe.

In addition, the Sanmenxia Urban and Rural Integration Demonstration Zone builds a soil dam surround at the entrance of the Haoyang River, and the normal connection of the dry tributary of the Yellow River in violation of the regulations affects the security of the flood;Relevant departments are reviewed and approved, and parking lots, steel structure wooden platforms, organic glass tents, camping bases, observation boardwalks, catering and other tourism service facilities are constructed in the good Yanghe Wetland Park in the protected area.facility.

The notice stated that in March 2020, the local area of ​​the Yellow River first -class ecological restoration project that did not go through the planning permits and construction land for construction land was launched in illegally.

According to the WeChat public account "Henan Release" on Saturday (December 2), Henan Governor Wang Kai went to Sanmenxia City to supervise the inspection of ecological environmental protection work, and the research and deployment of central ecological environmental protection inspectors was disclosed.Report typical case rectification.

Sanmenxia City is in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and western Henan Province. It is the first stop of the Yellow River flowing into the Central Plains. The length of the Yellow River section of the city is 206 kilometers.The Sanmenxia City Demonstration Zone was established in 2016, 15 kilometers from the city's central urban area, with a planned area of ​​341.3 square kilometers.The Haoyang River is the first -level tributary of the Yellow River. It flows into the Yellow River after passing through the Sanmenxia City and Township Demonstration Zone.