Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Ding Xuexiang attended the World Climate Action Summit and delivered a speech at Dubai. He called on all parties in the world to practice multilateralism, accelerate green transformation, fully fulfill the existing commitment, and take action of action.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and China News Agency reported that Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Vice Premier of the Chinese State Council, specially represented Chinese President Xi Jinping.When attending the World Climate Action Summit and delivered a speech, he issued the above appeal.

Ding Xuexiang pointed out that eight years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders of various countries reached the Paris Agreement with the greatest political determination and wisdom to start a new journey of global cooperation in response to climate change.China has always paid attention to promises to make important contributions to global climate governance.China vigorously promotes green development, energy revolution and international cooperation in climate change, and supports developing countries to improve the ability to respond to climate change.

Ding Xuexiang emphasized that in the face of the challenge of climate change, human destiny and co -sharing, and all parties should enhance the determination and ability of common response.Practice multilateralism, adhere to the goals and principles determined by the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention and its Paris Agreement, strengthen the unity and integration work to achieve mutual benefit and win -win results.

He also said that all parties should accelerate green transformation, actively increase the proportion of renewable energy, promote traditional energy clean low -carbon efficient use, and accelerate the formation of green low -carbon production methods and lifestyles.Strengthening the implementation action and fully fulfilling existing commitments, especially developed countries should effectively increase support for capital, technology, and capabilities in developing countries, and take action to take action as the reality.