China's official names have rarely named Guizhou and Shaanxi Province this week.Scholars of interviewees analyzed that this reflects that local data irrigation has seriously affected the central policies and resource allocation, and even resource mismatch has occurred.

The Special Inspection Team of the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Thursday (November 30), on Thursday (November 30), respectively, the special statistical inspectors of Shaanxi Province and Guizhou Province, respectively, pointed out the problems existing in statistical work in the two provinces.

According to the notification of the inspection team, the issues of the two provinces include: they do not understand the seriousness of statistical counterfeiting, there are intervention statistics reports, statistical counterfeiting behaviors, and insufficient results in special governance actions.

When describing Shaanxi's problems, the

Inspection team also used two "extremes". It is mentioned that leading cadres have not recognized the extreme harmfulness of statistical counterfeiting, and the extreme importance and urgency of prevention and control of statistical fraud.

For the problems pointed out by the inspection team, the two provinces have expressed "sincere acceptance and receiving in the order."The meeting of Shaanxi Province reported inspections, Zhao Yide, Secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, came to the presence, and Zhao Gang, the governor of Shaanxi, made a statement.

China has a long history of statistical counterfeiting. Kang Yi, director of the National Bureau of Statistics, said in a mobilization meeting of statistical counterfeiting and rectification last year."

Although Chinese officials have carried out many "looking back" and special statistical inspectors since 2019, the problem of fake statistical data is still repeatedly banned.

After conducting statistical law enforcement inspections on Hebei, Henan, and Guizhou Province in 2020 and 2021, it was found that multiple units and project statistics were seriously false, and the responsible persons below the 126 departments of the three provinces were notified.punish.

Another typical case is Zhang Jinghua, the former deputy secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, who was "double -opened" last May, officially reported that he "deviated the outlook on performance, to seek personal progress to engage in economic data fraud, interfere with regulations to intervene in market economy activities". "EssenceSuch a statement appeared for the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Scholars: The central requirements of the central data are higher than before

Fu Fangjian, an associate professor of Li Guangqian Business School of Singapore Management University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the achievements of local officials were linked to economic indicators in the past, so they had greater power "beautifying" data.

Fu Fangjian's analysis, in the context of emphasizing high -quality development and diluting GDP (GDP) in recent years, the official tone of the official has reflected that the central government's requirements for data authenticity are higher than before.

Zhang Hongyuan, an associate professor of the Department of International Trade at the University of Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology, believes that Chinese officials still need to squeeze out the water in the data when the economic growth is under pressure this year, indicating that the data fraud has exceeded the positive and negative error.The outrageous situation. "

Zhang Hongyuan analyzed that because the central government's requirements this year are stable expectations, the local government cannot allow the power of singing to decline in the Chinese economy too much. It can only be reported to the central government to avoid the blame of the central government.

Zhang Hongyuan said that the central government still had to carry out data at this time, and this shows that the false data has seriously affected the central government's economic policy or resource allocation, and even the resource mismatch has occurred."It is very likely that the disadvantages of central policy decisions have emerged, which has affected the rationality and effectiveness of the central policy."