Zhang Jie, a reporter from the Tide News Client, Zhang Jie

Which of my first batch, which batch of?My last batch.The afternoon sunlight was warm.In the Lotus Garden Community in the west of Hangzhou, the old residents greeted like this when they met.

Listen to it again, everyone is passing on collective tourism. This year's destination is Singapore and Malaysia.We arranged more than 200 retired elderly people to travel abroad in four batches, and the first batch of 65 people.Zhang Jiaqing, a member of the Party Committee of the Economic Cooperative of Gudang Town, Hangzhou, was reluctant. He told Tide Journalists that as of now, their village collective income has reached 16 billion, a record high.

Once once in three years, this year's oversee travel abroad

Once once in three years, I will take the old people to go abroad this time and take a look.On the afternoon of November 21, the first batch of tour groups in Guandang Town held the first batch of tour groups to inform the elderly for some safety matters.Zhang Jiaqing was very busy, and residents came up to say hello from time to time.

Council before traveling

Is it unobstructed to call abroad this time?The old man of Ruan Laifa was in the spirit, and he could not see that he was actually 79 years old. He carefully asked Zhang Jiaqing's questions about communication on the journey.

I have been to Thailand last time.He listed several tourist attractions in one breath, all kinds of costs in the village, and we brought a good mood.Ruan Laifa said, and in recent years, after the Qianbao bag of the cooperatives, the people were affordable. He participated in every time he organized a tour, because he could not travel in the age of 80 in one year.

Zhang Jiaqing said that after the withdrawal of the village in 2002, more than 1,100 people in Gudang Town Village became a shareholder of Jinghe Society.Now one -third is a retired elderly. Organizing retired shareholders travel is a traditional welfare project. In addition, it is also arranged to have a high -end physical examination once a year.

Every year, we take out 10 million yuan for residents' pension insurance, physical examination, tourism and other welfare expenditures.Zhang Jiaqing said that this year's village collective income is another floor, the tourism services of retired shareholders have also increased, and tourism allowances have also improved significantly.Now the economy is good. We encourage the elderly to travel, enjoy life, and go out of the country to open the eyes.Of course, you can also get cash subsidies because of physical or other reasons.

Stability of rent collection, this year reached 160 million

Old residents say that welfare is an extraordinary thing.In 2020, our collective available funds broke 100 million yuan.In other words, three years ago, the Gudang Town Economic Cooperative became a veritable 100 million yuan village. In recent years, it has increased year by year. This year, it has reached 160 million yuan, which is a record high.Therefore, the most important dividend at the end of the year is also a bullish every year. Last year, it could be divided into 10,000 yuan. Generally, the number of shareholders and households basically had more than 100,000 yuan.

Rental is the main source of income, and the two super -gold -sucking office buildings are 100%independently developed, and the contribution rate is the largest.Zhang Jiaqing said that the architectural style surrounded by Yunzhou International Building is the same as the Internet.As the IP popularity in Tianmou rises, it has also radiated to the surrounding area.The Lotus Business Center and Yunzhou International Center, these two buildings are also incorporated into the field of Tianmu Ribai.

Professional people do professional things, and pack the overall bidding of the office building to the professional team to operate, and we collect the rent stably.Zhang Jiaqing said that taking Yunzhou International as an example, since this year, the village collective income has a rent of 71 million yuan.He recalled that 15 years ago, the Lotus Commercial Center was built through Locho loans, which was 100%of the first reserved land project developed by the village.

For more than 10 years, the Gudang Town Economic Cooperative has invested funds and developed the building economy. We are a conservative investment model. In 2024, we can exceed 200 million available funds, ranking one or two in the West Lake District.If time returns to 1997, this number is only 6.72 million yuan.

Wallets are getting richer and richer, and naturally you have to feed the shareholders and make everyone's life more popular.For example, the funds in the village are used to relocate Fang Jiahe Huayuan to install 24 elevators.There are more than 10,000 tenants here, and the village has also developed a digital rental app for easy management.

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