Chinese media reports that since this year, about 200 companies in China have terminated the listing and listing (IPO) review, and the termination of the number of termination and financing scale has a significant cooling trend.

The China Official Media Economic Daily reported on Wednesday (November 22) that the A -share terminal will terminate about 200 companies to issue listing review during the year.At the same time, the scale of IPO financing has also declined.According to the statistics of the same Flower Shun, the scale of A -share IPO financing was about 335.3 billion yuan (RMB, S $ 63.9 billion) in the first October of this year, a year -on -year decrease of about 30%.

The report quoted Dong Zhongyun, chief economist of AVIC Securities, analyzed that the IPO cooling first lies in policy adjustment. Secondly, the pressure of stable growth in the enterprise still exists.Listing requirements.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission proposed a staged tightening IPO rhythm in August this year, while increasing the review and supervision of IPOs.Dong Zhongyun believes that this shows that the regulatory authorities attach more attention to the quality of IPO and focus on the high -quality development of the capital market.

Luo Zhiheng, chief economist of Yuekai Securities, told the Economic Daily that the IPO was tightened in stages and released the signal of maintaining the stable capital market in the regulatory department.Avoiding the continued decline in the market index is a measure to implement the "active capital market".