A survey of 89 industries and academic experts shows that more than 70 % of experts believe that China is expected to achieve the peak of carbon emissions by 2030, but these experts have different views on the peaks.

China has promised to achieve the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030, and strive to achieve the goal of net zero emissions by 2060.

According to Reuters, a survey carried out by the Headquarters' think tank energy and clean air research center (CREA) showed that more than 70%of the interviewed experts believe that China can reach 2030 carbon dioxideThe discharge volume reached its peak goals, and two of them believed that it had reached its peak.

CREA said that the interviewed experts are concerned about how high the carbon peak value will be. Most interviewed experts expect carbon row to be at least 15%higher than the level in 2020.Of the 89 experts, 64 experts were in China.

But compared to last year, the experts interviewed by CREA are more optimistic about China's ability to meet the standards. Most of the interviewed experts believe that the economic situation after the crown disease will help accelerate energy transformation.

Half of the interviewed experts believe that they believe that China can reach the peak of consumption of natural energy (solar energy, wind energy, coal, oil, etc.) before 2030, but nearly a quarter of the interviewed experts are expected to China 2035 2035 2035Natural energy consumption will continue to rise after the year.

In order to meet the growing energy demand and avoid repeating the consistency of the power disconnection and electricity limit in 2021, the Chinese government has approved the construction of dozens of new coal -fired power plants, so that the outside world has questioned China to achieve realization of the realization of China.The ability of carbon row in 2030.

COP28 will be held in Dubai, UAE from the 30th of this month, and gradually eliminating fossil fuel will be a key agenda.Although Beijing is willing to promote a global plan to increase renewable energy production capacity, it has never agreed to gradually eliminate fossil fuels.Jie Zhenhua, a special envoy of China Climate Change, said in September this year that he believes that Fully eliminating fossil energy sources Essence