China Real Estate Stocks Tuesday (November 21)Increasing, it has been promoted by the government to introduce more supportive policies and measures.Earlier media reports said that the Chinese government was drafting a list of developers who were qualified to obtain financing.

Comprehensive Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg reported that as of 11:00 am on Tuesday, the Bloomberg industry research Chinese real estate stock index once rose 7.6%at a time, the largest increase in the market for more than two months.Of the 33 ingredients stocks, 31 rose; of which Sunac China and Xincheng's development rose about 27%and 17%, respectively.The index covers major Chinese -funded housing companies listed in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Singapore.

Bloomberg Society on Monday (November 20) quoted people familiar with the matter that Chinese regulators were drafting a list of Chinese real estate developers.A total of 50 state -owned and private housing companies have been included in the whitelist, including the development of Xincheng, Vanke and Longhu Real Estate.

A person familiar with the matter said that this whitelist that has not yet been determined for financial institutions for reference will receive support from many aspects such as credit, creditor's rights and equity financing, but it does not mean that banks, such as banksThe institution has hard requirements.It is currently impossible to determine which other developers are included in the list.

The People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Finance Supervision, and the CSRC jointly held a financial institution symposium on Friday (November 17) to reiterate the need to “treat them allocated” to meet the reasonable financing needs of different ownership real estate enterprises.Housing companies "do not hesitate to loan, draw loans, and break loan."

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and said that the meeting also required financial institutions to raise the financing growth rate of private real estate enterprises, and must not be lower than the average financing growth rate of the entire real estate industry.

However, the Wall Street Journal quoted Vishnu Vorathan, the head of the economic and strategy of the Asia and Oceania Financial Department of Ruisui Bank, said in a report that the above -mentioned white list may still be far from reversing China's real estate industryDilemma.

Varadan said that the continuous support of the government can help the completion of real estate enterprises to stop working projects, but it will also affect its reorganization and recovery capabilities.

He said that the news similar to the whito list last year also triggered optimism, but as the real estate industry continued to sluggish, the white list effect quickly disappeared.