As one of the most influential rock music festivals in China, the Midi Music Festival is indispensable to appear on Weibo hot search each time.A collective theft after the festival.

The Midi Music Festival entered the Central Plains region of China for the first time this year. From September 29th to October 2nd, the "Central Plains Midi Music Festival" was held in Nanyang, Henan.According to Henan Daily, more than 80 groups of domestic and foreign bands and musicians were invited to the music festival, attracting about 150,000 audiences to present, bringing more than 40,000 foreign tourists to Nanyang every day.

This passenger flow is a lot of challenges for Nanyang's third -tier small cities.The original music festival ended successfully on Monday (October 2), but unexpectedly many fans reported on the Internet the next day that their property was stolen in the camping area of the music festival.

When more and more evidence points to the crimeists is the local villagers, the regional discrimination and scolding war on the "Henan people steal" is also derived.

From carnival to fans

Midi Music Festival was founded in 2000 by the Beijing Midi Music School, which is known as the "Huangpu Military Academy, which is known as" Chinese Rock Music ", and is the first original music festival in China.The name of WoodStock).The Midi Music Festival was held in Beijing in the first nine years, and then gradually extended to other large cities such as Shanghai and Shenzhen, and sank to second- and third -tier cities such as Shantou, Shenyang, and Nanyang.

Fans participating in the Midi Music Festival do not care about the mud formed after the rain.(From the official Weibo of Midi)

In the hearts of many Chinese rock music fans, Midi is the purest and most rock festival. They are also willing to follow the organizer's pace to go to different cities to pursue this "music utopian"; even the venue infrastructure is not complete,The next rain will become muddy, and they are also willing to roll in the mud and continue rock.

This pure "music friend" also gave birth to another feature of Midi Music Festival: Midi Music Camp.Because the location of the host is usually relatively remote, many music fans who come to participate in the music festival will choose to set up a tent at the camp near the event, bring snacks and alcohol, and continue carnival before and after the opening.And this time theft was the hardcore fans of these camps.

One of the traditions of Midi Music Festival is the "Midi Camp" that fans collectively settled and continue to be carnivated.This is also the place where the collective theft case happened.(From the official Weibo of Midi)

Comprehensive Red Star News, cover news and other Chinese media reports, the stolen items include camping equipment, clothes, shoes, wine, food, mobile computer, credit card cash, etc., and even private items such as music festival bracelets, diary books.Screenshots of the Internet show that more than 100 live music fans have registered theft items, and 288 in the WeChat group of theft of theft.

In the video and pictures, some people dressed in the local villagers are looking for items in the camp, and some people open the tricycle and battery vehicle outside the camp to transport the items away.It is reported that the fans at the scene described that the behavior of the thieves was very rampant.

In the Internet video, people dressed by local villagers are looking for items in the camp.(Video screenshot)

Although local officials and organizers have rumored rumors such as "the thick bowls of the bowls have been stolen" and "lost hundreds of thousands of property" and other rumors, but the loss of hundreds of people's property is believed to be a small number.While music fans and netizens were angry, while the utine was being treated by the thief, it was also chilling that the local area seemed to want "big things to be small, small things".

collective theft, who is responsible?

Some online comment believes that such collective theft incidents must be organized as a premeditated, and questioned that the security personnel of the Music Festival organizer will decrease after the event.Take the opportunity.There are also some comments that attribute the cause of the incident to the regional stereotype of "Henan people love to steal", pointing directly to the local folk customs.

It must be pointed out that whether it is the official of the Nanyang official or the organizer of the Midi Music Festival, the response to the collective theft incident is extremely rapid.On the same day when the incident broke out on the Internet, Midi and the Nanyang City Government issued an announcement to express their deep feelings and regrets, and stated that the local Public Security Bureau had set up a task force to find out.

However, unlike many netizens' expectations and severe punishment to steal the stealing villagers, the official follow -up announcement and local media reports seem to be light to avoid heavy.And hope that netizens will stop criticizing.

The main reasons they think are three: one is in the report of the Organizing Committee of Midi Music Festival and the report of the Wolong District Command of Midi Music Festival, all emphasized that the spread of the music festival has ended, "Who needs to come to get a lot of tents to get to get it to get it."Waiting for false information, the netizens of the villagers who" incite misleading "have been arrested.

Nanyang Radio and Television has posted a post saying that thefts have been arrested by the police, calling on netizens to "not be black."(Internet)

The second is the wording of the Wolong District Headquarters of the Music Festival that "the relevant personnel have arrived and recovered the relevant items" in the announcement, so that the netizens worry that the local government will choose "shelter" villagers and not crimes of theft.In the end, the organizer emphasized that the right to deliberately enlarge the discredit and discredit the online remarks of Nanyang and Midi retains the right to investigate the legal responsibility. In the opinion of netizens, it is a "threat" that wants them to shut up.

In view of this, despite the official commitment of Nanyang, the loss of the registered acceptance and the stolen items will increase the search and recovery efforts, and to make up for the loss that it cannot be recovered. After verification, the attitude is very sincere.But there are still many netizens who cannot accept it.

As far as the incident itself is concerned, as long as the organizer can apologize and reflect on, Nanyang officially can make a proper compensation to the theft of theft and make reasonable compensation for the losses of music fans.And this incident has now become the focus of public opinion on the Internet. The regional contradictions, urban and rural contradictions, and cognitive differences exposed behind them are a greater problem.

Dang Public Opinion to help the Origin

The double -edged sword of traffic in the Internet era, while bringing publicity and exposure to Nanyang and Midi, it will also enlarge the problems that occur in the stance of water covering.

For example, most of the music fans are senior netizens, and they will choose to vent their dissatisfaction online as soon as possible, which will attract greater attention."Silly speech", the vulgar words have also become the focus of criticism of netizens, attracting a new round of public relations crisis.

The organizer of the music festival responded to the announcement of the Chinese speaking vulgar, which became the focus of criticism of netizens and attracted a new round of public relations crisis.(Internet)

But the most important thing is that Internet users from the Internet on the Internet. In each of the preferred remarks, the contradictions of theft and victims have been enlarged into the "regional black" problem in Henan and other regions.

The logic here is actually not difficult to understand: From the perspective of outsiders, the stolenrs this time are from the same area, and behind it is the problem of greed and cheap folk customs.It is not appropriate; for those who are affected by the "regional black", whether it is the media or the individual, it is obviously unwilling to pay for the uncivilized behavior of a small number of people, and it will naturally counterattack. In the endNetwork melee.

Objectively speaking, whether it is the theft of the festival or the news of the dumping of similar trucks and the people, it has actually happened in all parts of China.Black "and" map cannon "are not only for Henan.

But whether the netizen attributed the cause of the incident to the extreme thinking of the region, or the official notification emphasized the discredit speech rather than the criminal act, it did not help the resolution of the incident and the comfort of the public opinion.

From the media account "Zhang Beihai's Natural Choice", it is also written that if you want to investigate, such a theft incident will produce the material and spiritual collision brought by the urban activity from the music festival, and the different class cultureThe difference in background has spawned the criticism and ridicule of public opinion on the Internet today.

Is Nanyang ready to do the music festival?

After the epidemic control is over, The Chinese literary performance market continues to be hot , concerts, music festivals and other music performances.Extremely emerging, the people are also willing to support the scene, and the tourism economy such as accommodation, catering, and sightseeing driven by such activities has also become the "wealth of the sky" in many second- and third -tier cities.

According to data from the China Performance Industry Association, in the first half of this year, China held a total of 506 large -scale concerts and music festivals, with box office revenue of 2.497 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 475 million).According to the surging news report, June Jay Chou held a four -day concert in Haikou in Hainan in June this year, attracting more than 150,000 audiences, bringing a comprehensive tourist revenue of 976 million yuan to the local area. A TFBOYS concert in Xi'an in August,It has led to a comprehensive tourist income of 416 million yuan in local tourism.

Of course, there is still a gap between the attractiveness of the Rock Music Festival and the top streaming stars, but according to the Ctrip Data Data reported by Blue Whale Finance, this Midi Music Festival also drives Nanyang's "Eleventh" overall order reservation volumeThe year -on -year increased by 11 times, which also increased by more than two digits from the same period in 2019.

Midius Music Festival also drives Nanyang's "Eleventh" overall order reservation to increase by 11 times year-on-year, which has also increased by more than two digits from the same period in 2019.The picture shows the audience on the first day of the festival.(From the official Weibo of Midi)

Nanyang officials also attach great importance to this music festival.At the preparatory work meeting held by the local government on September 14, Zhu Yixi, Secretary of the Nanyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, proposed the goal of "doing a good music festival, activating a city, and a city"., Global mobilization.Zhu is Xiexi and other local officials on September 29, and went to Nanyang Railway Station to personally welcome the fans who came to participate in the music festival and sent souvenirs.

As one of the earliest development of the ancient Central Plains cities in history, although Nanyang has produced Zhuge Liang, who has "plowed in Nanyang", is also the hometown of the landmaster inventor Zhang Heng and the famous doctor Zhang Zhongjing, but it is not the past.From the April Meeting analysis successful experience , now mobilize the surroundings of various industries to ensure music festivals in various industries to ensure music festivals.Services, Nanyang City undoubtedly wants to further develop tertiary industries and build tourist cities through this music festival.

Nanyang is so positive, and there is also pressure from economic goals: earlier this year, Nanyang set up the target of economic growth of "8%for 9%", which is the highest in Henan Province.In the first quarter, the total GDP of the city increased by 6.5%year -on -year. The data in the second quarter was not announced, but according to the WeChat public account "GDP domestic GDP", according to other data, the actual economic growth in Nanyang in the first half of the year was only 4.7%.about.

In this context, it is not difficult to understand that the official wants to appease the people's hearts as soon as possible and eliminate the negative public opinion of the Internet, but it does not have enough means.Weibo Da V, Internet Red Police "Jiangning Mother -in -law" on Friday (October 6) also posted a comment saying that local governments should not retreat because of one or two negative events.Instead, you must face the problem, acknowledge the problem, and solve the problem.

From the perspective of the general trend, the trend of Chinese music performances to low costs and unsaturated demand, and the planning for revenue and transformation through new cultural activities such as music festivals in second- and third -tier cities coincides with new cultural activities such as music festivals.However, it is easy to go to talk in both directions. Once there is a loss, there may be any damage such as Midi and Nanyang.

After experiencing this large -scale theft, I believe that Midi and Nanyang will learn lessons and will not repeat the same mistakes next year; but such a large public opinion dispute will need to be recovered for a while to the reputation of the two parties.

For other organizers who want to hold a music festival, and cities that want to host such activities, the lessons brought by the Nanyang Central Plains Midi Music Festival are also worthy of thinking: the music festival is hotIn addition to improving the foundation and supporting facilities such as hardware, soft power such as civilized education must also keep up in order to avoid the music festival as a "music robbery".