Official data shows that the number of domestic tourists in China during the Seven days before the 11th holiday of the Mid -Autumn Festival this year reached 754 million, an increase of 78.9%year -on -year.

According to CCTV News on Friday (October 6), the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced that the domestic tourism revenue of seven days before the 11th holiday of the Mid -Autumn Festival reached 668.09 billion yuan (RMB, about S $ 125.8 billion), Year -on -year increased by 132.6%.

It is reported that during the Mid -Autumn Festival National Day holiday, the Chinese tourism market continued to be hot, and the popularity of tourist tourism, urban leisure, rural tourism, visiting relatives, visiting and friends have increased significantly.Guangdong, Hubei, Jiangsu and other places have held activities such as creative lamps, non -heritage folk performances, immersive gardens, etc., which has attracted many tourists.

Dai Bin, the dean of the China Tourism Research Institute, said: "Throughout the holiday, the willingness and tourism consumption of urban and rural residents have been maintained at a high level, creating the highest tourism popularity in history since monitoring records, on averageThere are more than 100 million people traveling every day, creating more than 100 billion tourism consumption every day. "