Wang Ruijie, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy, believes that although the dynamics and tone of global politics have changed, the concept of Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's deal with Asian development and global relations is still applicable.Challenge space.

Wang Ruijie's discussion on Wednesday (October 4), in a discussion of the "Asia Foreign -looking Summit", explained the contribution of Lee Kuan Yew to the development and global relations in Asia, and the value of these concepts on today.

First of all, to indicate the direction of the development and prosperity of Asia.Wang Ruijie said that Li Guangyao adopted a bold approach to the traditional thinking with the "South -South cooperation" at the time. Welcome to Japan, the United States and European companies to Singapore, and created world -class operating conditions and facilities for multinational companies and professionals.

Singapore also invests in education, promotes the industrialization process mainly based on trade exports, creates good employment opportunities, and improves people's living standards.As a result, Singapore provides important demonstrations for the reform and opening up advocated by Chinese leaders Deng Xiaoping.

Secondly, in geopolitical reality, it will explore the space for cooperation and understanding.Wang Ruijie pointed out that Li Guangyao knows the natural trend of insisting on his own position and its impact on small countries, and advocates the need to maintain long -term strategic vision on the interests of Singapore, this region and international interests.

Wang Ruijie said that Li Guangyao has to establish a relationship with a number of Sino -US administrations to promote the better understanding of each other's views and interests, persuading them to focus on long -term strategic priority matters and common interests, overcome sensitive short -term frictionsEssence

When responding to the question of why Li Guangyao could become friends in various countries, Wang Ruijie mentioned again that Lee Kuan Yew's point of view was deeply respected because he said not to please others, but to say his true thoughts, and had strategies.The worldview of sex is not concerned about the anxiety and problems in front of you, but the long -term interests of countries.

After the American fighter bombing the Chinese Ambassador to Yugoslav in 1999, Lee Kuan Yew will meet the then US Secretary of State Olblatt and then the then Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan who participated in the Singapore forum.To consider, the sharp friction caused by the bombing incident.

Wang Ruijie, who served as Li Guangyao's chief private secretary from 1997 to 2000, participated in these two meetings.He said: "The most interesting thing is that if the two sides have a recording of the exchange meeting, Mr. Li will find what the content of Mr. Li said the same, but the perspective is very different."

Wang Ruijie remembers that Li Guangyao's suggestion to Tang Jiaxuan is that China's long -term interests are to join the World Trade Organization and continue to promote reform and opening up and economic development.Accepting the US explanation is an accident that appeases domestic people so that it can make progress. "

Lee Kuan Yew also told Olblett that the United States should consider that in the long run, it is a member of the WTO and multilateral system in the long run, and it is better to continue development.Essence

Lee Kuan Yew's third contribution is to build a rule -based multilateral architecture.Wang Ruijie said: "Li Guangyao recognizes the geopolitical reality of Singapore, to establish a tolerance and fair structure."

In Wang Ruijie's view, these important ideas are still applicable today."Although the dynamics and tone of global politics have changed, we can learn from Mr. Li Guangyao. We must be a strategic realist person and a pragmatic idealist."

The current international geopolitical environment is becoming increasingly complicated, and foreign policies of various countries are even more contaminated by domestic politics.In this regard, Wang Ruijie believes that although domestic politics is difficult to manage, it is necessary to continue to look far away. Taking long -term interests, we must continue to find a space for creating value and responding to common challenges.

He said: "If Mr. Li Guangyao can see the great power, in terms of global challenges, playing a constructive and collaborative leading role, I believe he will be very pleased."

Former Australian Prime Minister Howard and the founder and chairman of the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation Ma Ying -jeou also recalled their contact with Lee Kuan Yew in the same discussion.

Ma Ying -jeou pointed out that Lee Kuan Yew is very concerned about cross -strait relations and actively promotes the peaceful development of cross -strait, especially the "Wang Gu talks" held in Singapore in April 1993, becoming a milestone in the history of cross -strait relations.

He said: "From then on, I have specially experienced Mr. Li Guangyao's extremely strong sense of mission to promote peaceful development on both sides of the strait.The future direction of the relationship has its wisdom, and Taiwan should pay attention to his views. "