In response to the bullying incident of the minor of Datong Datong Datong Datong Datong Datong, Datong City jointly reported the situation on Tuesday (September 26), only to teach the bully to accept psychological counseling and behavior correction.Treating strong dissatisfaction with netizens.China Official Media Central Guangwang published a comment article on Wednesday that the "gentle" handling of "pain" can not be "painful" bullyers.Another happened?

The article says that the reason why the incident has attracted widespread attention in the whole society is mainly due to the cruelty and harshness of the atrocities beyond imagination. The extreme bullying behavior in the incident has refreshed the bottom line of the campus bullying incident in recent years.In this regard, people can't help asking: Why is the nine -year -old child so "bad"?How did all this cause?

The article believes that there is a serious problem with the education of schools and families.The school ignores and ignore children's physical and mental health. The shelter and indulgence of the family's shelter and indulgence of bullying people will make this matter in the corner of the campus that cannot be intervened in time, which will eventually cause severe consequences.In this case, the victims were bullied for more than a year, but the incident did not develop a little more attention and actions in a timely manner, but the incident did not develop to such a point.

The article questioned, did the school work hard to solve the problem and help the victim after the incident?Or is it trying to "be in interest" and "big things"?Teachers and school managers show their responsibilities when facing campus bullying?The guardian of the bully has not taken any measures for such a long time. Is it known to be in charge, or is it really unknown?Related bullying behavior is obviously affected by the dirty adult world. How does the minors involved get this information?

The article pointed out that the processing results given by the notification are obviously not matched with the "intensity" of the event.If the bully is an adult, this incident has undoubtedly belongs to the category of criminal criminal crimes.Although the relevant bullying behavior cannot be punished by law due to age, "punishment" can be exempted. The punishment of his law cannot be inevitable.For example, the bullying person is violent and the mind is immature, which may cause trouble for other children. Should it be sent to an environment, including a special education system, to be disciplined?For another example, bullying is a serious destruction of children and families. If the bully and guardian only "apologize" to the victims and guardians, it is obviously faulty.At the same time, the problems exposed by the school's relevant managers in the incident should also be further held accountable in order to soothe the people's hearts.

At the end of the article, the "gentle" handling does not hit the "pain" bully.If the laws and other means cannot be used to punish in place, educate in place, and reflect in place, why ensure that similar incidents will not happen?Schools, families, and society should be alert to protect their children's growth environment.However, in this case, the details must be handled in place. This requirement is not excessive.

Two male elementary school students in a school in Shanxi were accused of sexually assaulted another male classmate. After the official investigation, they decided to teach the two boys, and the principal was fired.The penalty decision triggered fierce debate by netizens, and it is generally believed that "the penalty is too light."