In the call of "far ahead", the highly anticipated Huawei autumn full scene new product launch conference ended on Monday (September 25) in Shenzhen.Earlier, the outside world had high expectations for the conference and regarded it as the official official announcement of Huawei's counterattack.

About a month ago, Huawei directly sold new Mate 60 Pro new mobile phones with 5G features without holding a press conference.Subsequently, Huawei has released a number of other new models one after another to show the attitude of strong return.A series of "raids" approach has a good appetite of the outside world for the Huawei autumn conference.

According to Chinese media reports, the conference of the day attracted more than 2,000 people to participate, and more than 140 media and platforms lived on the spot.In addition to traditional technology media and video platforms, many mainstream media appeared in the powerful live lineup, and even heavy official media such as the People's Daily and Xinhua News Agency.Such a row makes other mobile phone brands be overwhelmed. Looking at the entire business community, I am afraid that there is no new product conference of a company to get such treatment.

and Huawei's Minister of Commerce Raymond, Like the launch of new mobile phones during a low -key visit to China at the end of August, the time point of this autumn conference was also very intriguing.I do n’t know if it is a coincidence, or deliberately choose the “Yodao Day”, and the press conference is arranged on September 25th; on the same day two years ago, it was then Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was deducted in Canada for three years, and returned to China after three years, returned to ChinaDays.

Regardless of Huawei or many patriotic Chinese people, it is of great significance to release Huawei's latest products at this time. It seems that Huawei, who has been declared by the US sanctions, has crossed the "black barriers", andVietnam more brave.

For this event, Huawei carefully prepared.The press conference opened with a dream, inviting Tianwang superstar Andy Lau to endorse and visit the press conference; a number of Huawei latest products, including gold smart watches, tablets, headphones, smart screens, smart glasses, etc.Smart cars that will officially debut at the end of the year.At the end of the press conference, at the end of a glorious years, the development of Huawei terminal business was reviewed. The large screen on the scene also set "the light boat has passed through the mountains".

There are public opinion amazing, as small as glasses, as large as smart cars, Huawei is creating a new ecosystem.Some Chinese netizens also described that the conference "sounded (China) rushing towards the top of the high -end manufacturing industry" and "the great moment of epoch -making."

However, some netizens looking forward to Huawei's "Wang Fried" were disappointed after watching this grand press conference.

Yu Chengdong, executive director of Huawei, did not introduce the new mobile phone that was recently released at the press conference. It only said that Huawei was working overtime and emergency production of these products. I hope more people can buy and use it.Where does Huawei 5G mobile phone chip, which makes the Chinese people inspiring, uses who uses the light carved machine, and whether Huawei has the ability to produce lithography machines.

Some technology bloggers praised Huawei's new products that the press conference could only score 99 points, because "the product you want to see, it is not a word."The netizens who originally expected that Huawei had announced the breakthroughs of the siege was even more disappointed. Even after seeing the price of a series of new products, they questioned Huawei's "harvesting patriotic enthusiasm" and ridiculed that "the price was far ahead was price."

These disappointment voices are because many Chinese people want the press conference to give two questions about two questions to give the answers: Has Huawei completely solve the problem of "core lack"?Has China broken through the United States in the scientific and technological war?

After Huawei released a new 5G mobile phone at the end of August, the disassembly of various lanes came from the new mobile phone with the conclusion of the Kirin 9000S chip produced by SMIC, but who these 7 -nanometer chips are made by the optical engraving mechanism, which can be made.Whether large -scale mass production, etc., have always been a mystery.

For the chip problem, Huawei has never mentioned at this high -profile conference. One possibility is that Huawei realizes domestic alternatives on the chip is just a illusion.It is too early to say that "the light boat has passed through the mountains" is too early, so it can only be covered.Another possibility is that Huawei deliberately plays mystery, so that the opponents who are jealous of themselves are "confidant and unknown."In addition, it is not excluded that facing the high defense and vigilance of the United States, Huawei hopes to keep as low -key as much as possible to avoid recruiting Washington to upgrade sanctions.

In the Sino -US science and technology war, Huawei has been pushed to the forefront of the two sides from the beginning.The United States regards Huawei as a representative of China's advanced technology, and for this reason, it has sacrificed it with fierce sanctions; in China, Huawei has been forced to carry the banner that breaks through the blockade of American technology.Right now, both Chinese officials and the people need to boost morale. A company should also have a sense of mission, but is given political colors too much. It is not a good thing to be wrapped in nationalism, or hype patriotic mood and harvesting patriotic flow.

Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei also did not want Huawei to take the road of "anti -American fighter".In a recently released minutes of interview, he emphasized that he never said that he had never said "knocking down the United States", and also showed that the advanced culture of the United States still had to learn.As for those who are disappointed with the launch of Huawei's new product conferences, it is too unrealistic to send it to a company to win this for China.