Chinese President Xi Jinping and Venezuela President Madro said that reform and opening up is an important magic weapon for China's stride to catch up with the times, and it is a key trick to determine the fate of contemporary China.He emphasized that China cherishes the valuable experience in this process and will continue to push reform and opening up.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Xi Jinping held talks with Maduro who went to China to visit China in China on Wednesday (September 13) in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.The heads of state of the two countries announced that the China Committee's relations were promoted to all -weather strategic partnerships.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China and Venezuela are good friends and good partners for mutual trust.He said that in recent years, the Central Committee has gone through the extremely extraordinary development process. The two sides support each other in international changes and formed a "hardcore" friendship.China has always looked at the development of the relationship with Venezuela from a strategic height and long -term perspective, firmly supports Venezuela's efforts to maintain national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability, and firmly support Venezuela's justice to oppose external interference.

Xi Jinping also introduced Maduro the relevant situation of China's reform and opening up, especially the special economic special zone, and pointed out that reform and opening up are important magic weapons for China to catch up with the times.Cherish the valuable experience in this process, and will continue to push reform and opening up.

Xi Jinping emphasized that no forces can stop China's development and progress.China is willing to support each other to explore the development path that is in line with their national conditions, strengthen the exchanges of the party governing the country and governing the country, and support Venezuela Xing Special Economic Zone. They are willing to share relevant experience with Venezuela and help Venezuela to promote national construction.

After the talks, Xi Jinping and Maduro witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of "Belt and Road", economy, trade, education, tourism, technology, health, aerospace, civil aviation and other fields.