The People's Bank of China announced in August this year's financial data showed that the new RMB loan was 1.36 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below, about 25 billion yuan) in AugustThe scale of social financing was 3.12 trillion yuan, an increase of 631.6 billion yuan year -on -year.The person in charge of the People's Bank of China said that the current loan repayment situation has been reduced in advance, and it is expected to be substantially improved, which will help optimize residents' asset -liabilities and enhance consumption power and consumer confidence.

According to the China Financial News Network, the above -mentioned person in charge said that in general, the currency credit operation was well operated in August. First, the basic currency investment increased and the liquidity was reasonable and abundant.In August, the People's Bank of China comprehensively used re -loan re -discounting, convenient loan loan, and open market operations to achieve effective basis for basic currency.Basic currency increased by 5711 billion yuan, the balance increased by 8.6%year -on -year, an increase of 1.3 percentage points over the previous month.

Second, the total credit volume continues to increase, and the structure continues to optimize.According to data released by the People's Bank of China, in August, the scale of social financing increased by 3.12 trillion yuan, a year -on -year increase of 9%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month.The RMB loans increased by 1.36 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.1%year -on -year.

From the perspective of the overall situation in the first eight months, financial support has also achieved the increase in total amount and excellent structure.Data show that the scale of social financing and the increase in various loans in the first eight months reached 25.2 trillion yuan and 17.4 trillion yuan, respectively.

The person in charge mentioned that these indicators were further increased at the high level last year, close to the historical high in 2020.The person in charge also emphasized that the financial system continues to increase its support for key areas and weak links in key areas and weak links in manufacturing, inclusive finance, and scientific and technological innovation, and the credit structure is continuously optimized.

Third, M2 maintains a high growth rate, and residents' deposits have grown rapidly.At the end of August, the balance of currency supply (M2) was 28.693 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.6%year -on -year.In August, RMB deposits increased by 126 trillion yuan.The effect of financial support for the real economy is reflected in the growth and improvement of liquidity of the real economic sector, providing a solid foundation for further expanding investment consumption and promoting the stability of the economy.From January to August, various deposits increased by 2.24 trillion yuan, an increase of 115.8 billion yuan year -on -year.

Fourth, the interest rate of the deposit and loan market is reduced, and effective demand is improved.Among them, in terms of loan interest rates, in August, the People's Bank of China guided the public market's inverse repurchase operations to win the bid interest rate, medium -term borrowing convenience winning interest rate and loan market quotation interest rate decline, which led to further decline in loans, especially mobile funds and small and micro -enterprise loans.

Focusing on the real estate financial policy that specialize in the market, at the end of August, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Finance Supervision and Administration issued policies to adjust and optimize the minimum down payment ratio and interest rate limit, and clearly reduce the interest rate of the first housing loan in stock.

When the person in charge talked about the relevant policies: "Reduce the interest rate of the stock real estate, and the interest burden of residents will be effectively reduced." At presentIt is conducive to optimizing residential asset -liability structures, enhancing consumption power and consumption confidence.

In terms of deposit interest rates, the self -discipline mechanism of deposit interest rate pricing is guided to reduce the deposit interest rate, especially the medium- and long -term deposit interest rates, and promote high savings groups to increase investment and consumer motivation; stabilize bank capital costs, increase bank support entity support entitiesEconomic ability and sustainability.

"In general, the financial system takes positive measures, the currency credit has maintained a rapid growth rate, which is recovered with the current national economy, and the overall recovery of the good economic situation is compatible.If there is a reduction, the credit structure is further optimized. "The person in charge said that in the next step, the People's Bank of China will further increase the close cooperation with the financial and industrial policies, strengthen the expected guidance, pay close attentionEconomic demand, support prices gently, and enhance economic vitality to create a suitable monetary and financial environment.