In response to media reports, China requires government officials to not use Apple iPhone in their work. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that it has not introduced laws and regulations and policy documents that prohibit the purchase and use of foreign brands such as Apple.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning made the above statement when responding to relevant questions at a regular press conference on Wednesday (September 13).

Mao Ning said that China adheres to the promotion of high levels of opening up, protects foreign investment rights and interests in accordance with the law, and creates a first -class business environment for marketization, rule of law, and internationalization. It has always been open to foreign -funded enterprises.

But Mao Ning also said that China has indeed noticed recently that some media have revealed that Apple mobile phones related security incidents.Mao Ning emphasized that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the security of the Internet and information, and treats them equally and treats them equally. It is hoped that all mobile phone companies operating in China can strictly abide by the laws and regulations such as Chinese data security laws and personal information protection laws, and strengthen information security management.The data that protects consumers store in mobile phones is not stolen by any individual or organization to ensure information security.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted people familiar with the matter on Wednesday that China has asked officials from the central government agencies to not use iPhone and other foreign brands in their work, nor can they be brought into the office.Nikkei News also reported on September 8 that China ’s ban on Apple mobile phones has expanded to local governments and state -owned enterprise staff.

Affected by this news, Apple's stock price fell for two consecutive days, and its market value evaporated at US $ 200 billion (about S $ 272.7 billion).