Chinese President Xi Jinping and Venezuelan President Madro, who is visiting China, announced that it has promoted the China Committee's relations to all -weather strategic partnerships.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and CCTV news reports, Xi Jinping held talks with Maduro who visited in China in the Great Hall of the People on Wednesday (September 13), and jointly announced that the relationship between the Chinese Party Committee was promoted to all -weather alliances to all -weather.Strategic partnership.

Xi Jinping said that Maduro visited China five times since he served as the president, which fully reflects the friendship between China and Venezuela's brothers.China and Venezuela are good friends and good partners in common development.

He said that China always treats the development of the relationship with Venezuela from a strategic height and long -term perspective. It will continue to support the committee's efforts to maintain national sovereignty, national dignity, and social stability.Righteous cause.

Xi Jinping also said that next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Central Committee of the Central Committee.Come more well -being.

On June 28, 1974, the People's Republic of China formally established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Venezuela; in September of the same year, China set up an embassy in the commission;The committee also has a consulate in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

According to the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, China and Venezuela established diplomatic relations in 1974. In 2001, China established a common development strategic partnership. In 2014, the relationship between the two countries was upgraded to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Maduro arrived in Shenzhen last Friday (September 8), started his trip to China, and then went to Shanghai, Jinan and other cities, and took the high -speed rail to Beijing on Tuesday (September 12).Essence

Reuters earlier quoted officials and sources that energy trade, debt repayment and new financing may be the main focus of this visit.Venezuela has reportedly reported that the amount of owed to China has reached more than $ 10 billion (S $ 13.6 billion).