(Shenzhen Comprehensive News) People who are close to the Chinese communications giant Huawei revealed that Huawei ’s mobile phone 60 series market performance exceeded expectations. Huawei plans to increase the target shipments of the mobile phone in the second half of the year, and it has started to return to the mobile phone market.Pass plan.

Securities Daily (September 12) quoted sources that Huawei increased the target of the Mate 60 series mobile phone shipments by 20%in the second half of the year, and the shipments of new machines throughout the year were at least 40 million.Tianfeng International Analyst Guo Mingzheng predicts that the shipments of Huawei mobile phones next year are expected to reach at least 60 million units.

Following the release of the Mate 60 Pro mobile phone at the end of August, Huawei launched the Mate X5 folding screen and Mate 60 Pro+mobile phone on September 8 to further release the signal to accelerate the return to the mobile phone market.

Huawei has occupied the top three global smartphone shipments since 2015.However, the market research agency OMDIA shows that after the US sanctions against Huawei, Huawei ’s mobile phone shipments fell by 81.6 % to 35 million units year -on -year in 2021.

Huawei insiders revealed that Huawei will focus on the mobile phone business in the domestic market, especially the high -end mobile phone field, and there is still a gap with the "global return" circulating by the outside world.

Huawei's main competitors in the mobile phone market Apple, Apple, also released a new mobile phone iPhone 15 in the early morning of Wednesday (13th) to start a positive confrontation with Huawei in the high -end mobile phone market.

According to the Global Network report, after the iPhone 15 series was released, Apple's official website raised the iPhone 14 series price of 300 to 1,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 57 to S $ 190).Affected by the exchange rate, industry competition and geopolitical, some analysts estimate that the total sales of the iPhone 15 series may reduce 10 million units compared with the iPhone 14.

On the other hand, for the previous media reports, Chinese government agencies prohibit the use of iPhone . The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs speaks.Human Mao Ning responded at a routine press conference on Wednesday that China did not introduce laws and regulations and policy documents that prohibit the purchase and use of foreign brands such as Apple and other foreign brands, but noticed that some media exposed the relevant security incidents of Apple mobile phones.All can abide by laws and regulations and strengthen information security management.